Liberty High School Class of 2016
Review Transcript Check grades from last semester. Talk to teacher if grade is incorrect. Check to see if grades replaced from summer school are calculating into GPA. Talk to Mrs. Riding, Registrar, if not updated.
Graduation Status Need 12 credits at the end of this year to be on track for graduation Talk to your counselor if you need to make up required classes. Complete state required Culminating Projects from 9 th and 10 th grade. High School & Beyond Plan - February Take state tests or EOC in spring, if needed.
Required State Exams Class of 2016 High School Proficiency Exams Reading Writing Algebra OR Geometry EOC Biology EOC Alternates available for those who have taken test twice but not passed
Northwest Studies Take in middle school or high school 3 rd trimester of 7 th grade at MMS If moved from out of state or failed in middle school, take in senior year. If taken in senior year, will count as senior social studies and fulfill NW Studies requirement
PE/Sports PE credit can be waived only if needed (1.0 credit max) credit = 1 completed LHS sport season. Adds same amount of credit to General Electives. (Still need 28 credits) Pick up form from Athletic Secretary, P5. Get parent signature. Return form to Athletic Secretary.
Making Up Credits Night Academy: Sessions offered in Fall or Spring. Retrieve 0.5 credit per session. Cost is $200 P/F grade Summer School: Can retrieve up to 1.0 credit in the summer Cost is $350 per 0.5 credit Letter grades Online Courses: Free if taken within 8 period day $200-$400 if taken outside of school
Baccalaureate College Earn Bachelor’s Degree To apply you must have: Specific core academic classes (CADRS)with rigor GPA and SAT or ACT scores vary by college, minimum 2.0 Strong essay Involvement beyond the classroom Full list of “holistic” review items in College Resource Handbook, Career Center website
College Admissions Distribution Requirements Required for Washington public colleges: 4 credits English 3 credits Math and through Algebra 2 Quantitative class in senior year (math, physics or chemistry) 2 credits Science including 1 credit of chemistry or physics 2 credits of same world language 3 credits social studies 1 credit of fine, visual or performing arts Check with colleges for specific requirements.
SAT Reasoning Test Measures reasoning abilities and knowledge through junior year. 66% language arts, 33% math Essay given first. Points deducted for incorrect multiple-choice answers Check with college to see if they require SAT subject tests in addition to the SAT Reasoning test. Max score: 2400
ACT TEST Measures knowledge required through junior year. 50% English, 25% math, 25% science Essay given last; optional but take it Earn points for correct answers only, no points deducted for incorrect answers Max score: 36
Community & Technical Colleges Earn Associate of Arts, Sciences or Transfer (2 years) or Certificate (less than 2 years) Need high school diploma or GED or to be at least 18 years old Take placement test to verify college readiness Tuition is less and classes are smaller Some CTCs operate dorms or there are apartments nearby
Apprentice Programs Highly competitive admissions Paid to learn Alternate between classroom, labs & on- the-job experience List of all Washington apprenticeships: Can also enter apprenticeship through technical colleges
Military Military Academies Finest engineering schools in the world ROTC at baccalaureate college More difficult to be accepted to ROTC than to academies Window to apply for both is April 1 of junior year and Nov 30 of senior year
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