Woody Ornamentals for a Fast Growing Market Juanita Popenoe Lake County Extension
Statistics Nursery and Greenhouse industry is the fastest growing segment of US agriculture Driven by expansion in housing Estimated total sales by Florida horticulture firms in 2000 were $191 M for deciduous shade, flowering, and fruit trees $176 M for evergreen trees About 31% of all firms sold trees in 2000
Steps to Starting Wholesale or retail? What kind of plants to grow? – Market Analysis! Where/how to grow? Business plan and analysis
Wholesale or Retail?
What Kind of Plants? Trees – 3-5+ year turnover Oak, Magnolia, Fruit or Flowering Trees Shrubs – 6 months – 1 year turnover Bedding Plants – 12 week turnover Species? Find out what is hot Many retail growers fill out range of plants with plants from wholesalers
Propagate or Buy Liners? Buy Liners from others? Costs, sources, reliability Do you plan to propagate your own? Cost of mist bed – covering, irrigation system Source of cutting, seed materials Techniques for cuttings and seeds – plant hormones, seed treatments
Nursery Design Layout Land Preparation Clearing, covering with landscape cloth Irrigation system Overhead sprinklers or micro-irrigation? Pot system Tree supports needed? Supports to keep from blowing over? Potting Mix What type? Source? Fertilizers and Chemicals Herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers – When, Where, How?
Land Preparation
Irrigation System
Potting Mix Mix your own or buy pre-mixed?
Fertilizers and Chemicals When, Where, How? Do I need a license? Pesticides – when do you need them? Herbicides – weeds compete Pre-emergent Post-emergent Fertilizers Incorporated slow release Top dressed To plant requirements
Business Plan Certified Nursery Registration – DPI/ FL DOACS Occupational licenses and bonding Starting A Wholesale Nursery Business at Using Business Analysis Constantly develop markets – get to know builders, landscapers, retail outlets How to market yourself – plant locators
Other Resources Extension Office UF Crop Time-line for nursery production: Click on nursery production and then woody Virginia Tech’s getting started in the nursery business: 050/ html
Jon’s Nursery Started in 1972 in backyard, Jon was a greengrocer Now one of largest wholesale nurseries in the Southeast
Ola Farms Started in 5 acre yard 5 years ago Now self-sufficient business Supplier of Oaks and Magnolias contract and retail (with installation only).
Stanley Pond Nursery Part-time, open weekends Started when he bought old ligustrum field nursery next to house Found display makes big difference
Good Luck!
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