Helen Keller By: Anoushka Sinha Nivedha Suresh
Born: June 2,1880 Born: June 2,1880 Birth place :Alabama Birth place :Alabama Died: June 1,1968 Died: June 1,1968
Pioneer in Disabilties Helen Keller is a pioneer because she couldn’t hear, speak, and see but she never gave up on reaching her goals. Helen Keller is a pioneer because she couldn’t hear, speak, and see but she never gave up on reaching her goals.
Accomplishments Helen Keller was famous because she went around the world even though she could not see & she talked to the people about her life. Helen Keller was famous because she went around the world even though she could not see & she talked to the people about her life.
Facts #1 Helen used her fingers to spell words.
Facts #2 Helen was the first person who was deaf and blind to get a college degree.
Facts #3 With the money she earned from the book “The Life of Helen Keller” she bought a house.
If I could meet this person, I would ask…. Who did you marry? Who did you marry?
IB-Learner Profile A word to describe Helen Keller is communicator because she found a way to communicate with her parents even when she didn’t have her teacher. A word to describe Helen Keller is communicator because she found a way to communicate with her parents even when she didn’t have her teacher.
How Helen Keller Changed the World The world would be a different place without Helen Keller because she taught other deaf people how to communicate with people who were not deaf. The world would be a different place without Helen Keller because she taught other deaf people how to communicate with people who were not deaf.