Refresher Quiz RBb Refresher Quiz For each question slide, click on the mouse to reveal the correct answer(s) or click through the slides using the forward buttons to see all of the questions without revealing the answers.
Refresher Quiz RBb 1 In plants, what is the male sex cell (gamete) called? pollen
Refresher Quiz RBb 2 Name one substance that needs to pass from a fetus to its mother? carbon dioxide or nitrogen waste
Refresher Quiz RBb 3 In plants, what is the female sex cell (gamete) called? egg cell or ovum
Refresher Quiz RBb 4 Where does fertilisation occur in a woman? fallopian tubes
Refresher Quiz RBb 5 Which part of a woman increases and decreases in size in the menstrual cycle? lining of the uterus
Refresher Quiz RBb 6 Where in an egg cell would you find its chromosomes? nucleus
Refresher Quiz RBb 7 What sort of reproduction needs a male and a female? sexual reproduction
Refresher Quiz RBb 8 In plants, what does a fertilised egg cell (zygote) grow into inside a seed? embryo
Refresher Quiz RBb 9 What is the function (job) of this sort of cell? to carry oxygen
Refresher Quiz RBb 10 What sort of cell is this? it is a root hair cell
Refresher Quiz RBb 11Where would you expect to find this sort of cell? Any of the following answers are correct: lungs windpipe trachea bronchus
Refresher Quiz RBb 12How is this cell adapted to its function (job)? very long to carry messages (impulses) a long way
Refresher Quiz RBb 13 Name one sort of cell that carries information from parents to offspring. Any of the following answers are correct: gamete sex cell sperm cell egg cell pollen grain ovum
Refresher Quiz RBb 14 Name one thing that plants compete with each other for. Any of the following answers are correct: water mineral salts light
Refresher Quiz RBb 15 How do cells increase in number inside you? cell division