Capital District Kiwanis INITIATIVE FOR AFRICA
An Ancient Proverb PROVIDE a Hungry Child with a Fish… and you Feed the Child for a Day But, TEACH a Hungry Child to Fish….. and You Feed the Child for a Lifetime
The Reality 26,000 Children Die Every Day African Droughts Cause Crop Failure & Additional Famine Only 4% of Africa’s Arable Land is Irrigated
KickStart International U.S. Non-Profit Organization Est Works Directly with Farmers in Africa Has already lifted 370,000 People Out of Poverty in Kenya, Mali & Tanzania
Dr. Martin Fisher Founder of KickStart International Recipient of Sustainability Award from MIT Named “Engineer of the Year” by Design News KickStart.Org/-teck/technologies/micro-irrigation.html
How It Works Kiwanis contributions purchase human-powered pumps & farming assistance provided through KickStart Int’l Every $150 enables another family to start a small farm business Families must contribute $100 of own money Result: Families able to overcome their poverty
KickStart’s Super Pump Can draw water over 50 feet Can be used to irrigate up to 2 acres of land
KickStart’s Hip Pump A lower cost and lighter weight, portable pump Can be easily used to irrigate an acre or more
Our Goal District-wide: $25,000 which will be matched by KickStart Int’l with another $25,000 Provide 160+ African families (800+ men/women /children) with opportunity for a better life And a permanent solution to their poverty
How Can You & Your Organization Help? Fully support Initiative for Africa Contribute individually & as a club Sponsor Special Fundraising Activities Help us spread the word!
The most basic human right is to SURVIVE! Kiwanians can MAKE A DIFFERENCE by supporting Initiative for Africa
I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something I can do. Helen Keller
Your Contributions Are Tax Deductible Make your checks out to: Capital District Kiwanis Foundation Memo Line: “Initiative for Africa” Send to: Capital District Kiwanis Foundation 1601 Charrington Drive Midlothian, VA 23113
QUESTIONS? Raga S. Elim, Ph.D. Chairman - Capital District Committee on International Understanding