Cycle 2, Day 5
Reading goal: As we read, we will combine advanced strategies to improve our comprehension of a narrative poem. Today’s Big Question: Is it heroic to follow orders without question? Team Cooperation Skill: Complete all tasks
WordDefinitionSentence TorrentA violent flow of something A torrent of sadness washed over him when he realized that she was never coming back. BrandishedTo wave around or display in a threatening way The farmer brandished his pitchfork at the trespassers, demanding that they leave at once. PeerlessSuperb; better than everyone else The heavyweight champion was a peerless boxer, he had never lost a fight. ChaosMuch disorder or confusion The circus elephant escaped and charged through the small town, causing much panic and chaos. GuiseOutward appearance that hides an inner truth Our teacher always maintained a guise of calmness, even when he was angry with us. RueTo regret a mistake or wrongdoing Jane knew she would later rue taking the money, but she felt she had no choice. ConsecratedVery special; sacredVernon bowed as he walked into the temple because it was a consecrated place. BlunderedMade a mistakeMax blundered when he told Josh about the surprise party the family was planning for him.
1. What words or phrases in the second stanza of “The Highwayman” did you clarify that helped you make a mind movie of the character of the highwayman? What did you do to clarify these words? 2. What questions would you ask the poet who wrote “Beth Gelert” to learn more about the theme or big idea he wanted to communicate in this poem? 3. Give an example of foreshadowing in “Beth Gelert.” Explain your answer. 4. Summarize the events in “The Charge of the Light Brigade.” How were the actions of British troops in this poem different from the behavior of British troops in “The Highwayman?” 5. What is a question that you might ask the poet to help you figure out the big ideas or themes in “The Charge of the Light Brigade”? 6. What words or phrases does the poet use to describe the valley into which the soldiers rode? What images do these phrases create in your mind?