By Georgia Dowson
Personal hygiene 1.Teeth should be regularly cleaned and checked by a dentist. 2.A daily shower or bath is important. 3.Always wear well fitted shoes 4.Keep fingernails short and well manicured 5.Hair should be well styled 6.Make-up should always be worn in the salon 7.Do not wear hanging chains or large rings 8.Deodorant should be used everyday 9.Salon wear should be well pressed and clean 10.Shoes should be polished 11.Male staff should be shaved or their facial hair regularly trimmed 12.Feet need regular attention.
Salon conduct Personal hygiene 1.clean nails Deodorant Bath daily Behaviour Polite Helpful Well mannered Posture Back and knees soft Feet hips width apart Shoulders back Personal appearance Styled hair Tunic Make-up
Salon evacuation 1. When the fire alarm is sounded you should leave the salon immediately. 2.You must leave the salon in the correct manner. 3.Never return to the building before the all clear has been given. 4.You must meet at the assembly point by the field after you have left the building. 5.Never stop to collect your bags or coats when the alarm has been sounded. 6.Clients should be helped from the salon when the alarm has been sounded.
Safe use of products and equipment Products Coloured mousse / Always where gloves,don’t overload the hair, read instructions. Perm lotions /wear gloves/apron, make sure client is protected,don’t overload the hair. Neutraliser/ make sure both you and your client is well protected, don’t overload the hair. Styling products e.g gel hairspray/ cover eyes, don’t hold to close,keep away from flames. Equipment Brushes,combs/ Sterilised,use allocated brushes for different styles Hairdryer/Test temperature,dry towards the end of the hair, Rollers and pins/ take care with pins as to not injure the client,make sure the tension is rite. Strengtheners/ check for correct settings before use Next page ->
Materials Rubber gloves / they must fit and not have holes in, they must also be clean Apron / the apron must be fit properly,have no holes in and clean Gowns/ the gowns should be fashioned correctly,be well maintained and dry. Shoulder capes /they must be clean with no holes in and fashioned correctly. wnsmall.jpg&imgrefurl= &hl=en&start=2&um=1&usg=__pJIpeOQ4llQPn0EaAw7pmhsigd4=&tbnid=siEf8xl4_4RKLM :&tbnh=104&tbnw=104&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhairdressing%2Bgowns%26um%3D1%26 hl%3Den%26sa%3DG
Sterilisation UV cabinet / The UV cabinet sterilises tools and equipment using ultra violet rays Autoclave / The autoclave sterilises tools ect using steam Barbicide / Barbicide is a blue disinfectant solution Boiling / Boiling cleans both towels and gowns Sterilising wipes and sprays / the sterilising wipes and sprays are used as a quicker easier sterilising process for clippers ect.
Hazards in the salon Reception area salon Dispensary Kitchen HazardsHow you deal with it
Hazards in the salon Spillages / Before you clean up any spillages you must wear gloves and an apron for PEE. You must clean up spillages,dry then put a slippery floor sign to warn others. Slippery surfaces / PEE dry area then but a slippery floor sign to warn others. Obstruction of access or egress/ Move whatever is causing the problem, if to heavy ask for assistance If you had any concerns about health and safety who would you inform / if you have any worries you would speak to the manager or your tutor.
First aid in the salon If a client or stylist cuts themselves during a treatment the rules you must follow is : Tell a more experienced member of staff Get first aid box Run the cut under cold water of place a wet towel on the cut
Infections... Infectious conditions Ringworm Impetigo Head lice Non infectious conditions Greasy hair Cold sore Psoriasis Dandruff Split ends White hair
Legislations that effect the salon. The health and safety at work act 1974 The great enabling act from which all later legislations has come from The workplace (Health,safety and welfare) regulation 1992 Has taken the place of the older law all at work must keep a safe workplace The personal protective equipment at work regulations 1992 Employers must provide suitable and enough protective and equipment,they must provide it free of charge and they must provide training in its use. The provision and use of work equipment regulation 1992 Employers must select equipment that is properly made, suitable for the purpose and kept in good repair The control of substance hazardous to health regulations 1992(COSHH) This concerns the safe use, storage and disposal of all equipment used in the hairdressing salon. Next Page….
The electricity at work regulations 1989 Under this law the employer must supply and ensure all electrical equipment used in the salon is kept in a safe condition. It is the employees responsibility to report any problems or concerns. Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 1989(RIDDOR) Under this law your salon must report any accidents…….and dangerous occurrence that may happen at work in the salon. The manual handling operations regulations 1992 All at work must help prevent the risk from lifting and handling objects
Health and safety legislation My responsibility under the health and safety at work act are : To keep myself and anyone I come in contact with safe The two pieces of information which a salon employer should provide you with are : The salons health and safety policy and a job description The following needs to be included in the salons health and safety policy : The person who is responsible for risk assessment in the salon.
Fire Extinguishers Water Paper, wood, textiles & solid materials fires Carbon Dioxide Liquid & Electrical fires Foam Liquid, paper, wood & textile fires Powder Liquid, electrical wood, paper & textile fires Fire blanket Fire Extinguisher Type or fire used on
Lifting and handling 1.When picking up a box bend your knees to stop strain on the back. 2.Look in the box to see if anything can be taken out to make it easier to carry. 3.Don’t try to carry the box if you think it is to heavy ask another member of staff for help. 4.Don’t stretch to pick something up. 5.Keep back supple don’t get to tense. 6.Don’t carry anything over your head.
Emergency services The emergency services include: Police Ambulance Fire brigade When calling the emergency services you should : Stay calm Call the correct emergency service Answer all the questions asked Speak slowly