Hebrew and Torah Bemidbar Numbers 25.1 Brought to you by the letters א Alef, ל Lamed and מ Mem
עברית Hebrew Language Hebrew reads from right to left Hebrew time line is also right to left The tops of the letters represent heaven. The bottom represents earth. This lesson reviews the letters ב Bet, ד Dalet, ר Resh ה Hey א Alef, ל Lamed and מ Mem. Introducing נן Nun, ש Shin, ג Gimmel
Review Count the ד Dalets.
Review - ד Count the ד Dalets. Did you see One?
Review - ב Count the ב Bets.
Review - ב Count the ב Bets. Did you see two?
Review - ב Count the ב Vets – no dagish.
Review - ב Count the ב Vets. Did you see Three?
Review - ר Count the ר Reshes.
Review - ר Count the ר Reshes. Did you see Four?
ה Hey - breath ה Hey - breath Look for the break in the left leg of Hey
Review - ה Count the ה Heys.
Review - ה Count the ה Heys. Did you see Three?
א Alef – G-d
Review - ה Count the א Alefs. Can you find all Six?
Review - ה Count the א Alefs. Did you see Six?
ל Lamed - study
Review - ה Count the ל Lameds.
Review - ה Count the ל Lameds. Did you see Four?
מ Mem – water or kingdom
Review - ה Count the מ Mems.
Review - ה Count the מ Mems. Did you see Three?
ם Mem Sofit – Final Mem
Review - ה Count the ם Mem Sofits.
Review - ה Count the ם Mem Sofits. Did you see Three?
נ Nun – Aramaic Fish
Review - ה Count the נ Nuns.
Review - ה Count the נ Nuns. Did you see Two?
Review - ה Count the ן Nun Sofits. Did you see Two?
Review - ה Count the ן Nun Sofits. Did you see One?
ג Gimmel – Cammel
Review - ה Count the ג Gimmels. Did you see Two?
Review - ה Try to read these words.
Review - ה Try to read these words.