WFP Initial EFSA Learning Session 5.2. Response Options & Recommendations 1
WFP Initial EFSA Learning Session Objectives After this session, participants should be able to: –List the various emergency response options available to WFP –Describe the conditions that would warrant selection of each of those option 2
WFP Initial EFSA Learning The Process Collect and Compile Secondary Data Collect and Compile Primary Data using checklist Conduct Situation Analysis Conduct Forecast Analysis Produce Recommendations Write Initial EFSA report Develop Work Plan and TORs What response options the team will recommend 3
WFP Initial EFSA Learning Forecast Analysis TGS #6, page 25 the absolute severity of the current food insecurity and / or malnutrition situation the relative severity of the current situation, compared with pre-crisis and usual seasonal variations; the groups affected and their location(s); the main causes of food insecurity and/or malnutrition; people’s current coping capacities; ongoing and planned assistance; the likely evolution of the situation in the next three months; the need to intervene to save lives and protect livelihoods. Response options are considered based on this information 4
WFP Initial EFSA Learning Response Options Turn to TGS # 6, page 26 5
WFP Initial EFSA Learning Quick Exercise review the decision tree and find the various response options open to WFP 6
WFP Initial EFSA Learning WFP response options for food security and nutrition crises Food distributions (general or targeted) Cash and voucher transfers Food for Work, Cash for Work Supplementary or therapeutic feeding to malnourished individuals (emaciated children, people suffering from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis etc.) Institutional feeding (e.g. schools) 7
WFP Initial EFSA Learning What about other sector needs? IEFSA team must also Consider sector- specific responses outside of WFP's responsibilities: water, sanitation, health, roads, schools, education etc. WFP would not implement these responses, but IEFSA team must draw attention of appropriate agencies / must advocate for response 8
WFP Initial EFSA Learning Making recommendations Recommendations are based on your situation analysis (your interpretation of current conditions) & your forecast analysis (how you expect conditions to evolve over the next three months It is essential that your readers can draw clear links between your recommendations and your findings & forecasts 9
WFP Initial EFSA Learning Exercise 13. Preparing Response Recommendations As a group: Based on your forecast analysis, prepare your team’s response recommendations. Be prepared to present them to the plenary group, and to explain your reasoning for recommending those responses (i.e. to explain the links between your response recommendations and your forecast and situation analyses) 10
WFP Initial EFSA Learning Before you begin the exercise… Once again, take a moment to review: Parts 9-13 of Annex 1 in TGS #6 Useful guidance in reflecting upon/making your response recommendations 11
WFP Initial EFSA Learning Team Presentations Present: 1.The main points from your team’s forecast analysis 2.Your response recommendations Be prepared to explain the links between your response recommendations and your situation & forecast analyses 12