Africa Genesis Foundation (AGF)
AGF Registration Information AGF is registered with the Secretary of State of Illinois as a charitable, not-for-profit corporation, Office of Attorney General under the Charitable Trust Act and Solicitation for Charity Act, USA Internal Revenue Service as an IRS 501 (c) 3 tax- exempt organization, and the NGOs Coordination Board of the Republic of Kenya in Nairobi as an NGO.
Our Mission AGF is a joint American and African not-for-profit organization that promotes improved health for impoverished people living in East Africa rural areas. AGF’s goal is to initiate self-reliance development programs in the field of health care that encourage self- sufficiency and to assist in the regeneration of medical facilities in agrarian regions. AGF works with governments, non-governmental organizations, corporations, community groups and individuals to foster effective, long-term solutions through health care services that enable East Africans to enhance their quality of life.
Our Goals To develop AGF Home and Regional Office in order to provide more adequate Program Services through Medical Rehabilitation and Disease Prevention, Infrastructure Development, Health Promotion Education, Communications, Medical Personnel Training, and Joint Regional Programs. To prevent needless suffering, save lives and create a brighter future for East African families. AGF’s main focus includes cccc hhhh iiii llll dddd, m m m m m aaaa tttt eeee rrrr nnnn aaaa llll and r r r r r eeee pppp rrrr oooo dddd uuuu cccc tttt iiii vvvv eeee h h h h eeee aaaa llll tttt hhhh, and reduction of diseases, especially H H H H H IIII VVVV //// AAAA IIII DDDD SSSS, m m m m m aaaa llll aaaa rrrr iiii aaaa, and t t t t t uuuu bbbb eeee rrrr cccc uuuu llll oooo ssss iiii ssss. To appropriate budgetary percentages of 65%, 25% and 10% for program services, management and further fund raising initiatives respectively.
Our Objectives 1.M edical Rehabilitation 2.I nfrastructure Development 3.H ealth Education Programs 4.H ealth And Medical Personnel Training 5.C ommunication 6.J oint Regional Programs
What We Do!
Over the years, AGF has sought to address healthcare needs in rural Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.
AGF distributed relief food, bed nets and seeds for planting in Bitobo, Bungoma, Kenya.
AGF runs a nutrition family life program.
AGF financially funded the ground-up development of and equipping Naalarami Clinic near Arusha, Tanzania.
AGF sank a borehole, established Watoto (children) Malaria Fund, equipped the pediatric ward at Lwala Hospital.
Raising the footings of Ot Yat Kica Arwot Health Centre II.
Next, we set out to undertake the following programs in Kenya, Tanzania & Uganda:
Complete and equip Busibi Community Health Centre.
Complete and equip Ot Yat Kica Arwot HC II.
Continue support of St. Mary’s Hostel, build bathrooms.
Our undertaking is based on justified Need!
God bless you! Thank You!