"The Road Not Taken" Robert Frost By: Sana Aslam
Basic facts Rober Frost was born on March 26th, 1874, in San Francisco. His father died from tuberculosis, when he was seven years old. Then him and his family moved in with there grandparents in Lawrence, Massachusetts. In 1982, He graduated from Lawrence High School and a married a woman named Elinor White. After graduation Frost went to Dartmouth College, taught at grammar schools,worked at a mill, and served as a newspaper reporter.
Influences His poems were mostly about his life growing up. The theme of the poem is to choose the right path for your future. Robert Frost's wife was a major inspiration for his poetry until she died in This poem is about two paths and thinking about which one to take and that both will be an obsticale.
"The Road Not Taken"