Japan and the Pacific Rim
Development Industrial advances Industrial advances Agricultural advances Agricultural advances Population growth (social stress) Population growth (social stress) Quick recovery from Depression Quick recovery from Depression Export boomExport boom Military buildupMilitary buildup Self-sufficient in machine tools and scientific equipment Self-sufficient in machine tools and scientific equipment
Political crisis/militarism Political experiments during 1920s Political experiments during 1920s Military leaders attempt to take more power-report only to emperor Military leaders attempt to take more power-report only to emperor Becomes military vs. civilian in power struggle for control of gov’t Becomes military vs. civilian in power struggle for control of gov’t Eventually, militarism wins Eventually, militarism wins
Other areas Korea: Japan abolished the Korean monarchy in 1909 Korea: Japan abolished the Korean monarchy in 1909 Kept them as a colony Kept them as a colony Suppressed Korean cultureSuppressed Korean culture Used their resourcesUsed their resources Korean people were labor sourceKorean people were labor source Advantages????? (later success) Advantages????? (later success) Singapore: major seaport Singapore: major seaport Occupied by Japan during WWIIOccupied by Japan during WWII
Post war Korea divided Korea divided Taiwan under nationalists Taiwan under nationalists Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaya were independent Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaya were independent
Japanese recovery Occupation until 1952 Occupation until 1952 Selective westernization Selective westernization Democratization, economic reforms Democratization, economic reforms New constitution New constitution Emperor-symbolic figurehead Emperor-symbolic figurehead “no” military “no” military Multiparty democracy Multiparty democracy Educational emphasis Educational emphasis Meritocracy Meritocracy Traditional values Traditional values
Korea Symptom of cold war Symptom of cold war June 1950-North attacks South June 1950-North attacks South UN(US) supports South, sends troops UN(US) supports South, sends troops Stalemate/armistice in 1953 Stalemate/armistice in 1953 Still divided today Still divided today South:”democratic” and authoritarian South:”democratic” and authoritarian North: communist North: communist
Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore Taiwan: nationalists retreat there Taiwan: nationalists retreat there Authoritarian, problems with ChinaAuthoritarian, problems with China Supported by USSupported by US Hong Kong: British colony until 1997 Hong Kong: British colony until 1997 Singapore: independence from British in 1959 Singapore: independence from British in 1959 All three somewhat stable with new international influence All three somewhat stable with new international influence
“Japan INC.” Conservative stability Conservative stability Strong government cooperation with business!!!! Strong government cooperation with business!!!! Kept important traditional ideas Kept important traditional ideas
Economic growth Government encouragement Government encouragement Educational expansion Educational expansion Foreign policy (no $ for defense) Foreign policy (no $ for defense) Labor policies: Labor policies: Lifetime employmentLifetime employment Cooperation/collective decision makingCooperation/collective decision making
Family Life/Society Women educated but still household Women educated but still household Group conformity Group conformity Competition to achieve Competition to achieve Western influence Western influence Pollution Pollution Traditional identity? Traditional identity?
Korean “miracle” Economic growth Economic growth Cheap consumer goods Cheap consumer goods Huge industrial groups (Hyundai) Huge industrial groups (Hyundai) Population growth (high density) Population growth (high density)
Taiwan/Singapore Taiwan: Taiwan: Economic growth (industry and agri.)Economic growth (industry and agri.) US official commitment lessensUS official commitment lessens Informal links with ChinaInformal links with China Singapore: Singapore: Tight controls over citizensTight controls over citizens Large population in small spaceLarge population in small space Politics-authoritarianPolitics-authoritarian Economy-greatEconomy-great
Hong Kong Major world port Major world port International banking center International banking center China promised to respect their free market and democracy China promised to respect their free market and democracy