“Hamlet” Timed Write PROMPT: How did 3 different relationships influence Hamlet’s actions and the outcome of the play?
What to do first? 1.Do/What chart? 2.Write thesis statement 3.TS (A), (B), (C) 4.Examples for each TS
BODY A TS(A) Ophelia was the love of Hamlet’s life and because of this he tried to protect her by pushing her away. TS(B) Hamlet not only loved his girlfriend, Ophelia, but his mother as well, despite their bittersweet relationship. TS(C) A final relationship that influenced Hamlet’s actions was that of King Claudius.
BODY A TS(A) Ophelia was the love of Hamlet’s life and because of this he tried to protect her by pushing her away. “You should not have believed me; for / virtue can not so inoculate our old stock but we / shall relish of it. I loved you not” (III, I, 17-19). “I would give some violets, but they withered all when my father died. / They say he made a good end” (IV, iv, ).
BODY A Ophelia was the love of Hamlet’s life and because of this he tried to protect her by pushing her away. Hamlet had a plan, but this plan was very dangerous as he madly says, “You should not have believed me; for / virtue can not so inoculate our old stock but we / shall relish of it. I loved you not.” (III, i, 17-19). Prince Hamlet speaks as if he never loved her and that she shouldn’t trust him. However, he speaks of all of this because he does not want her to get in the middle of his vengeful plan. His plan for his fair Ophelia goes awry when she goes mad. She states, “I would give some violets, but they withered all when my father died. / They say he made a good end.” (IV, iv, ). Later on in the play, Ophelia drowns and kills herself, ultimately leads to Hamlet’s heartbreak as well as his death. This broken relationship affected the rest of the play, pushing Laertes over the edge and giving him more motive to destroy and kill Hamlet.
INTRODUCTION HOOK: Faced with the decision of life and death, people tend to have internal and external conflicts with both ourselves and those around us. TOPIC/BKGD: In William Shakespeare’s play, “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark,” readers are introduced to a young prince who has not only lost a king, but a father. After the demise of King Hamlet, the prince has gained his own uncle as a stepdad and has been given information about the king’s murder, along with the murderer. For his loyalty to his father, Hamlet seeks revenge on his uncle who is discovered as the murderer. THESIS: Throughout this journey of uncovering the truth, Hamlet was seriously affected by the relationships in his life, especially that of his girlfriend, mother, and step-father.
CONCLUSION RE-STATE THESIS: The Prince of Denmark was forever changed after the death of his father. SUMMARIZE: All of his relationships had dramatic effects on the outcome of Hamlet and the play. His love for Ophelia, his friendship with Laertes, and the advice of Polonius all went away as Hamlet decided that the duty to kill Claudius was more important than anything else. What he didn’t know was that these relationships also came with consequences, not only for himself but for everyone. END STRONG: No one can ever predict the full extent of one’s actions and how they affect the lives of another. It is imperative to make wise choices and be certain that we can live with those consequences.