July 2007 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P1609Slide 1 doc: IEEE p Submission IEEE DSRC Application Services (P1609) Date: NameCompanyAddressPhone Tom KuriharaTKstds Management 3800 N Fairfax Dr, #207 Arlington, VA Authors: Note. Changes as of May 5, 2007 shown in this color font
July 2007 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P1609Slide 2 doc: IEEE p Submission Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator athttp://
July 2007 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P1609Slide 3 doc: IEEE p Submission PROGRAM OF WORK P1609.0, WAVE – Architecture ( PAR approved December 2006 ) IEEE Trial-use Standard TM -2006, WAVE - Resource Manager IEEE Trial-use Standard TM -2006, WAVE - Security Services for Applications and Management Messages IEEE Trial-use Standard TM WAVE - Networking Services IEEE Trial-use Standard TM -2006, WAVE - Multi-channel Operations IEEE Standard 1455 TM -1999(2006), IEEE Standard for Message Sets for Vehicle/Roadside Communications Note: P1609 family of standards are intended to operate with IEEE p, Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment (WAVE) and supports the U. S. Department of Transportation Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Program and the Vehicle and Infrastructure Integration (VII) Program
July 2007 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P1609Slide 4 doc: IEEE p Submission WAVE DEVICE UPPER LAYERS LOWER LAYERS WAVE SECURITY SERVICES NETWORK LAYER IEEE , et al IEEE IEEE IEEE IEEE p MEDIUM Note: The figure illustrates the relationship among the IEEE 1609 and IEEE standards
July 2007 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P1609Slide 5 doc: IEEE p Submission Architecture (P1609.0) SCOPE “This standard describes the Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE/DSRC) architecture and services necessary for multi-channel DSRC/WAVE devices to communicate in a mobile vehicular environment.” STATUS – PAR APPROVED, December 2006 – Project Plan submitted to FHWA, approval pending – Draft in review and development – Scheduled for review at next meeting (date & venue tbd) – Projected approval planned in CY2008
July 2007 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P1609Slide 6 doc: IEEE p Submission RESOURCE MANAGER (P1609.1) SCOPE “… describe the services and interfaces, including security and privacy protection mechanisms, associated with the DSRC Resource Manager operating at 5.9GHz band authorized by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and to satisfy the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) wireless communications requirements.” STATUS -Approved for trial-use September 14, Trial-use period through August 2008, or shorter -Preliminary review of requirements in progress to make the parts consistent with the proposed architecture -Revisions planned based on feedback from trial-use and additional requirements beginning in CY2007, to be completed in CY2008
July 2007 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P1609Slide 7 doc: IEEE p Submission Security Services for Applications and Management Messages (P1609.2) SCOPE –defines secure message formats and processing of secure messages, within the DSRC/WAVE system –defines methods for securing WAVE management messages and application messages, with the exception of anonymity-preserving vehicle safety messages –describes administrative functions necessary to support the core security function STATUS – Approved for trial-use, June 6, 2006, Trial-use period through December Preliminary review of requirements in progress to make the parts consistent with the proposed architecture -Revisions planned based on feedback from trial-use and additional requirements beginning in CY2007, to be completed in CY2008
July 2007 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P1609Slide 8 doc: IEEE p Submission NETWORKING SERVICES (P1609.3) SCOPE “…define services, operating at the network and transport layers, in support of wireless connectivity among vehicle-based devices, and between fixed roadside devices and vehicle-based devices using the 5.9 GHz DSRC/WAVE mode.” STATUS –Approved as Trial-use standard: March 22, Preliminary review of requirements in progress to make the parts consistent with the proposed architecture -Revisions planned based on feedback from trial-use and additional requirements beginning in CY2007, to be completed in CY2008
July 2007 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P1609Slide 9 doc: IEEE p Submission MULTI-CHANNEL OPERATIONS (P1609.4) SCOPE “…describes multi-channel wireless radio operations, that uses the IEEE p, WAVE mode, medium access control and physical layers, including the operation of control channel and service channel interval timers, parameters for priority access, channel switching and routing, management services, and primitives designed for multi-channel operations.” STATUS –Approved for Trial-use: November Preliminary review of requirements in progress to make the parts consistent with the proposed architecture -Revisions planned based on feedback from trial-use and additional requirements beginning in CY2007, to be completed in CY2008
July 2007 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P1609Slide 10 doc: IEEE p Submission USE CASES AND LIAISON WG consolidating and verifying user requirements and use cases for DSRC/WAVE Conducting extended proto-type equipment tests using IEEE 1609 drafts Coordinating activities with: –SAE Technical Committee, Project J2735, DSRC Data Dictionary and Message Sets –Vehicle & Infrastructure Integration Consortium (VIIC) –DSRC Industry Consortium (DIC) –ISO TC204 WG16, CALM M5 and CALMFAST –Omni-Air Consortium and SwRI, certification and test guide for WAVE/DSRC Devices
July 2007 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P1609Slide 11 doc: IEEE p Submission SCHEDULE July Meeting. Canceled planned meeting following the IEEE meeting in San Francisco, CA, July due to lack of attendance October 2007 – Tentative plans to hold meeting in the vicinity of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society WiVec Conference on the East Coast (dates and venue tbd) Purposes –to develop proposal for DSRC/WAVE system implementation and use guidance –to develop identified requirements for from “V2” list and from errata list discussed during the May working group meeting –to develop a project plan to revise trial-use standards by including feedback from “Trial-Use,” including the VIIC trials, DIC Phase II Prototype testing, the SwRI Test and Certification activity, SAE J2735 feedback, and international DSRC development activities –to respond to request for formal interpretations –to assess procedures for PSID registration and operational use –to develop web site and out-reach with guidance material and lessons learned –to develop closer cooperation with regional and national activities outside of North America –to identify issues and means to resolve issues through use of simulation and modeling
July 2007 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P1609Slide 12 doc: IEEE p Submission LIAISON CONTACTS The following are either confirmed or pending liaisons to other organizations SAE Technical Committee, DSRC Data Dictionary and Message Sets (J2735) –D. Kavner DSRC Industry Consortium (DIC) –R. Roebuck VII Consortium (VIIC) –S. Andrews VII End-to-End Integration Project Team (E2E IPT) –D. Kavner ISO TC204 WG16, CALM M5 (21210, 21215, 21217, 24102, 29281,…) –R. Roy ASTM Committee E17.51 (E , WAVE Test Plan) –L. Armstrong IEEE p Task Group ( as amended) –L. Armstrong Omni-Air Consortium –R. Roebuck IEEE Standards Department, Program Manager –M. Ceglia
July 2007 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P1609Slide 13 doc: IEEE p Submission VII POC – IEEE 1609 Architecture & Provisioning* VII Document Tree – 20 – 30 Documents written with Dependencies on IEEE 1609 Specifications. 4 IEEE 1609 Standards (or drafts) are currently being implemented in VII – –IEEE p: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications: Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) –IEEE : WAVE Multi-Channel Operation –IEEE : WAVE Networking Services (Draft) –IEEE : WAVE Security Services for Applications and Management Messages Multiple VII Components to be Developed and Deployed with Interoperability Dependencies based on IEEE 1609 model For SECURITY – Provisioning of Credentials (Key Pairs and Digital Certificates) for POC is a major program issue *Information provided by VII Consortium Program Team Member at IEEE P1609 WG meeting February 2007
July 2007 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P1609Slide 14 doc: IEEE p Submission Information provided by VII Consortium Program Team Member at IEEE P1609 WG meeting February 2007
July 2007 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P1609Slide 15 doc: IEEE p Submission ANONYMOUS CA – ??? Not shown in this notional model Might fit in the ‘OEM CA’ cloud Anonymous CA “has to have a trust anchor” 1609 CA – The VII Entity that issues certificates and validates the identity and permissions associated with the credential Registration Authority – A 1609 RA manages identities from which 1609 CA can issue digital certificates for VII Users and Entities IdAM Service – The Identity and Access Management Component (IdAM) will provide the capability to register, validate and verify applications, users and equipment accessing the system. Transaction Service Provider –, Network Users that send and receive information to or from other Network Users, Vehicles or Public Service Vehicles using facilities provided by the VII System. Example: State DOT Transportation Traffic Management Center. Transportation Operations Center (TOC) Network User – Advisory Providers that publish information to the VII System. Example: a weather alerts provider, that issues warnings regarding weather events PKI Fundamentals – Certificate Authority Architecture (Notional)
July 2007 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P1609Slide 16 doc: IEEE p Submission ISO TC204 WG16 Presentation of C2C-CC Architecture Proposal
July 2007 T. M. Kurihara, Chair, IEEE P1609Slide 17 doc: IEEE p Submission ISO TC204 WG16 Presentation of C2C-CC Architecture Proposal