Welcome to Kindergarten at Amelia Elementary Kindergarten Orientation 2012
Address: 5 East Main Street, Amelia, Oh Principal: Stephanie Walker Telephone Number: Fax Number: Blog Site: Transportation Number:
Mrs. Stephanie Walker: Principal Kindergarten Teachers: Mrs. Julia Smith Miss Lori Van Eman Mrs. Mona Wells
Parents and Teachers I dreamed I stood in a studio And watched two sculptors there, The clay they used was a young child’s mind And they fashioned it with care. One was a teacher, the tools she used Were books and music and art One was a parent with a guiding hand And a gentle, loving heart. And when at last their work was done They were proud of what they had wrought For the things they had worked into the child Could never be sold or bought. And each agreed she would have failed If she had worked alone For behind the parents stood the school, And behind the teacher stood the home.
Very important to be done on child’s off days of school. Will have all month to work on packet and is due last week of each month. Homework packet follows kindergarten report skills. Reading Log is to be done daily and recorded.
Standards Based, Not Letter Based Goal is for student to be PROFICIENT by the end of the school year Throughout school year students will be monitored by: –“M” Making Progress –“L”: Limited Progress
Username: ameliakindergarten Password: reading1
A Sample of What you Child Will Be Working on in Kindergarten: Naming upper/lower case letters, matching those letters with sounds, and printing them. Comparing the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories such as fairy tales and folktales Retelling familiar stories and retelling the using details from the text Using a combination of drawing, dictating and writing to describe an event, including his/her reaction to what happened Stating an opinion or preference about a topic or book in writing. Taking part in classroom conversations and following rules for discussions Speaking clearly to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas, including descriptions of familiar people, places, things and events Asking and answering questions about key details in stories Understanding questioning words in discussions Learning to recognize, spell and properly use those little grammatical words that hold the language together (a, the, to, of, I, is, are)
January 2012 May 2012
A Sample of What you Child Will Be Working on in Kindergarten: Counting objects to tell how many there are Comparing two groups of objects to tell which group, if either, has more; comparing two written numbers to tell which is greater Acting out addition/subtraction word problems and drawing diagrams to represent them Adding/subtracting 10 or less, solving addition/subtraction word problems Adding or subtracting very small numbers quickly and accurately Correctly naming shapes regardless of orientation or size
DIBELS is a fluency-based measurement system designed to measure important early reading skills in Kindergarten. This system measures three basic sets of skills: 1.Phonological Awareness 2.Alphabetic Principle 3.Accuracy/Fluency with Text
ISF measures a child’s ability to choose words starting with a given sound and ability to produce the initial sound of a word in isolation.
PSF measures a child’s ability to break words into smaller sound parts. For example: cat is made up of the sounds /C/ /A/ /T/
NWF measures alphabetic principle skills by assessing a child’s ability to produce correct letter sounds or combine them to make words. baf cid tus nif
Students are measured three times during the year and classified into three categories: 1.Benchmark = Reached goal 2.Strategic = Not quite at the goal 3.Intensive = Significantly below the goal Assessment dates: Fall, Winter, Spring
MEASUREFALLWINTERSPRING Initial Sound Fluency (ISF) 10 or more initial sounds per minute 30 or more initial sounds per minute Not Tested Phoneme Segmentation Fluency (PSF) Not Tested20 or more sounds per minute 40 or more sounds per minute Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF) Not Tested17 or more letter sounds per minute 28 or more letter sounds per minute Letter Naming Fluency (LNF) No benchmark set for (LNF)
I am an Amelia Tiger. Amelia Tigers are Respectful, Responsible, and Safe. This is the Tiger Oath: Students start the day by reciting it. The Oath is referenced as needed as a reminder for appropriate behavior. Procedures: Hallways Restroom Drinking fountain Entering/exiting Classroom
Subscribe Here This is the primary mode of communication from the building level…
Thank you all for dedicating your time to your child’s academics! Here’s to a fantastic year in kindergarten!! See ideas for volunteering in your child’s classroom handout.