ASFPM May 19, 2011 by Darryl Hatheway, CFM, AECOM San Diego and Vince Geronimo, CFM, PE, AECOM Oakland
CCAMP / OPC Study ASFPM May 19, 2011 Agenda Risk MAP and Coastal Studies Open Coast Study Areas Process & Schedule of Studies Study Area & Guidelines Coastal Data and Resources Study Methods & Scope
Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning (Risk MAP) Vision: To deliver quality data that increases public awareness and leads to action that reduces risk to life and property Address gaps in flood hazard data Ensure public awareness through outreach Lead and support hazard mitigation planning Provide an enhanced digital platform Align risk analysis programs FEMA will collaborate with federal, state, and local stakeholders to achieve the following goals under Risk MAP: Vision Goals ASFPM May 19, 2011
California Coastal Analysis and Mapping Project Open Pacific Coast Study A Risk MAP project with a coastal focus Re-study all California coastal counties along the open Pacific coastline. Re-map the coastal flood, wave hazard, and associated risks. CCAMP / OPC Study ASFPM May 19, 2011
CCAMP / OPC Study - Phases Del Norte Humboldt Mendocino Sonoma Marin San Francisco San Mateo Santa Cruz Monterey San Luis Obispo Santa Barbara Ventura Los Angeles Orange San Diego Phase 1 (2010) Ten Counties Northern and Central California Coast Phase 2 (2012) Five Counties Southern California Coast ASFPM May 19, 2011
Discovery Data Acquisition Engineering Analyses Floodplain Mapping Map Production Post-Preliminary Processing Fall-Winter 2014 CCAMP / OPC Study - Process ASFPM May 19, 2011 Where we are right now: Scoping Meetings (Kick- off Meetings, Field Recon, Outreach) Data Acquisition (LIDAR, Tide Records, Offshore Waves, Bathymetry) Engineering Analyses (Wave Setup, Dune Erosion, Wave Runup)
CCAMP / OPC Study – Schedule Initial Kick-Off MeetingMarch-May 2011 Field ReconnaissanceMarch-May 2011 Engineering Analysis Now through Fall 2012 Floodplain Mapping Summer 2012 – Spring 2013 Preliminary Map Production Winter 2013 – Fall 2013 Post-Preliminary Processing Summer 2013 – Fall 2014 ASFPM May 19, 2011
8 Apply “Final Draft Guidelines for Coastal Flood hazard Analysis and Mapping for the Pacific Coast of the United States”(dated Jan. 2005) Phase 1 – Central & Northern CA (10 coastal counties) Phase 2 – Southern CA (5 coastal counties)
9 Phase 1 County Open Pacific Coast (study miles) FIS Effective Date for Coastal Study Pacific Coast Map Panels w/ Coastal Influence Coastal- Riverine Flood Profile Confluence Coastal SFHA (Sq. Miles) Del Norte5009/26/ Humboldt16002/08/ Mendocino11006/16/ Sonoma6009/06/06510 Marin10005/05/ San Francisco15n/a202 San Mateo6008/05/ Santa Cruz4003/02/ Monterey10509/27/ San Luis Obispo10002/04/ ASFPM May 19, 2011
10 Phase 2 County Open Pacific Coast (study miles) FIS Effective Date for Coastal Study Pacific Coast Map Panels w/ Coastal Influence Coastal- Riverine Flood Profile Confluence Coastal SFHA (Sq. Miles) Santa Barbara12009/30/ Ventura5009/03/ Los Angeles15507/06/ Orange5002/18/ San Diego16009/29/ ASFPM May 19, 2011
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14 Copyright © 2009 California Seafloor Mapping Project Fugro © 2005 ASFPM May 19, 2011
15 ASFPM May 19, 2011 Phase 1 – Northern & Central CA Counties Shore Length (miles) Beach- Dune (Type 1) Beach- Structure (Type 2) Cobble Beach (Type 3) Erodible Bluff (Type 4) Rocky Cliff (Shore Type 5) Tidal Flat (Shore Type 6) Del Norte Humboldt Mendocino Sonoma Marin San Francisco San Mateo Santa Cruz Monterey San Luis Obispo
ASFPM May 19, 2011 Phase 2 – Southern CA Counties Shore Length (miles) Beach- Dune (Type 1) Beach- Structure (Type 2) Cobble Beach (Type 3) Erodible Bluff (Type 4) Rocky Cliff (Shore Type 5) Tidal Flat (Shore Type 6) Santa Barbara Ventura Los Angeles Orange San Diego
17 ASFPM May 19, Photography and website Copyright © Kenneth & Gabrielle Adelman
18 ASFPM May 19, 2011 OceanWeather Inc. (50-year hindcast ) deepwater offshore hindcast Scripps Institution of Oceanography MOnitoring and Prediction (MOP) 2-D wave transformation model 2-D wave transformation of deepwater wave data to the nearshore region
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Datawell Directional Waverider Study Methods: Coastal Data Information Program (Scripps) ASFPM May 19, 2011
Study Methods: Coastal Data Information Program (Scripps) ASFPM May 19, 2011
Study Methods: MOP Nearshore Wave Prediction Sites (Scripps) ASFPM May 19, 2011
24 ASFPM May 19, D Transect-based wave hazard analyses Wave Setup Wave Runup Wave Overtopping Overland Waves Dune & Bluff Erosion Extreme value analysis of annual maxima of computed total water levels
1%-annual-chance (base flood) and 0.2% total water level floodplains Mapping of coastal hazard zones and BFEs (and primary frontal dune VE Zones) (Sea level rise not included at this time) (Sea level rise not included at this time) 26 ASFPM May 19, 2011 Wave envelope LiM WA
RoleName FEMA Region IX Engineer Ed Task Order ManagerKrista Study Project ManagerVince Outreach Coordinator Wendy Chang Lisa Messano Technical Managers Darryl Hatheway Nicole Metzger Technical Leaders Justin Vandever Lauren Schmied ASFPM May 19,