There is a psychological connection between the figures, the mother's head tilted towards the infant in her arms implying an intimate gaze. The division of the solid mass into two forms is another enduring aspect of Moore's work — he explores the importance of space, as each form relates to the other, suggesting protection, confinement and closeness. I really like this artwork. I noticed the nudity which seems new to me. But the only effect I get is of purity. The artist has stripped down the mother and child to make the message more clear. It makes one realize that a mothers love is eternal love. I noticed that the mothers hips are larger whereas the feet are smaller. Intimate gaze shared by mother and child
RECLINING FIGURE: ARCH LEG Moore, was intrigued by the relationship of two separate figures, and explored it quite often. In many of his sculptures, he tries to explore the negative space in them, and here it plays a significant role between the body and the “arched leg”. I feel that In this sculpture there is a sense of negativity. There is a lot of empty space which shows us that. Body “arched” leg Negative space What do u mean by negativity here, there us an interesting play of negative and positive space in this art work
Again, Moore explores the 3 most predominant themes: Mother and child, reclining figure and internal/external forms. The size of the mother is rather large, and the baby seems to be miniscule. Here, Moore is trying to send across a message that the mother is always there to comfort, closeness and most important- protection/security. Again, the concept of mother and child is explored in this structure. The fact that this concept has explored so deeply just hints that maybe he was deprived of this relationship, and tries to show everyone that it is a unique relationship which shouldn't’t be taken advantage of.(when u talk of art work you have to talk about the form composition and not just the concept, how has the artist shown what he’s trying to show. See that he’s negated many aspects of the human body to create a certain feeling in the viewer. Like the art holding the child is thicker, it cud be done to show care and strength)
“Now armor is an outside shell like the shell of a snail which is there to protect the more vulnerable forms inside, as it is in human armor which is hard and put on to protect the soft body. This has led sometimes to the idea of the Mother and Child where the outer form, the mother, is protecting the inner form, the child, like a mother does protect her child” – Henry Moore In this painting, moore has covered the small structure with a large structure. This gives us a sense of security and confinement. Which again, refers to the “mother and child” relationship. I really like this artwork.
Moore rarely studied the male form, and there are only six life- size male figures amongst his body of work, three of which are warriors. These are not combatants in the traditional sense; none have weapons. This warrior, with his twisted, thin, fallen body, has only one limb, rendering him powerless. His visage has the angular suggestion of a helmet, yet ears are clearly visible, underlining his vulnerability and humanity. In this sculpture, I feel that this concept is a little strange. But I also feel that he is trying to send out a message, which is obviously related to war. He has explored the vulnerability of a warrior, which seems uncanny as a warrior is someone who is brave and courageous, but here he is shown to be weak. I also find it a little starge that the shield is near the leg and not close to the face or hand seems awkward. I don’t quite understand why he would do so. Overall I think this is quite unique in its own ways.