By: Felipe Andrade Mariño
I appropriate the way in which Lionardo Da Vinci paints is very original and very creative, as shown in the table moralize or as in the last seine
The Mona Lisa, one of the most famous works in the world that was painted in 1505 by Leonardo Da Vinci. The identity of the woman painted by Da Vinci is still a mystery. It was Lisa Da Antonio Maria Geraldine Mona is a contraction of Madonna that means 1519 Leonardo Da Vinci
I think Europe is a very important reference in art because most of the famous artists are European and that causes people to be inspired by their artwork and begin to paint. but also I think as Europe is very important at and many more continents that also bring in art.
I chose the artwork Monaliza because it is a painting that I have seen I was a little kid and I m interest in it because Leonardo Da Vinci is a great artist not only with the paint he also study the human body, the flying machine.
I need to go be good in art class by silence and follow all the instructions I give Alejandra My commitment for this semester is not disturbing and deliver all work well as tell Alejandra
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