The Kennedy Years By the end of Ike’s 2 nd term, Americans had many concerns 1960 Election: Democrats nominate a young Massachusetts Senator named John F. Kennedy Republicans nominate Nixon looking to ride Ike’s coattails
1960 Election Will be one of the closest elections in US History, 49.7%-49.5%
Deciding Factors Television and Civil Rights JFK and RFK appealed MLK’s arrest in 1960 TV- 1st ever live televised debates see JFK score big victory over Nervous Nixon W_o
JFK’s Plan Gave one of the most famous and shortest inauguration speeches in history 59n8 Called on all Americans to do their part to make America better
Cold War takes Center Stage JFK criticized Ike for allowing a missile gap to be created and the policy of MR JFK will triple defense spending, increasing our nuclear arsenal as well as adopting the policy of flexible response
Crisis in Cuba With Soviet help, Castro seizes control of Cuba in 1959 Ike allows CIA to train guerillas in Guatemala for purpose of retaking Cuba JFK green-lights Bay of Pigs Invasion in April, 1961 Everything went wrong JFK and CIA looks foolish
Further Crisis in Cuba Failure at Bay of Pigs improved Cuban-USSR relations October 1962, U2 spots nuclear missile sites in Cuba US blockades Cuba, preps for invasion October 22-28, world was brink of nuclear war No direct communication between JFK and Khrushchev made this worse
Cold War in Europe In order to stop E. Germans from escaping to W. Berlin, USSR and GDR build Berlin Wall in August 1961 Will become ultimate symbol of communist oppression during Cold War /watch?v=ExOYvW5vCj4 /watch?v=ExOYvW5vCj4
Outcomes of JFK Cold War Years Agreement to halt types of nuclear tests Installation of “the hotline” which allows for direct communication between the White House and the Kremlin