Youssou N’Dour – Mali, West Africa
Welcome Bienvenues Bienvenidos Please hold your questions until the end. Gracias! Merci!
J’aime …. Me gusta I like …. -> le tennis/el tenís ->marcher dans les montagnes/caminar en las montanas -> cuisiner avec ma famille/cocinar con mi familia
Expectations for ALL 7 th & 8 th grade Students Come prepared every day to class: to learn and actively participate. with ALL supplies. Demonstrate: Responsibility (take control of his/her academic success; check AVA website for daily or weekly class information and documents. Check Infinite Campus weekly. Ability to self-advocate and self-empower (ask teachers & peers for help) Leadership (role models for younger students) Competence (becoming a young adult/preparing for high school)
How do I teach? Immersion Speak French/Spanish at least 50 percent of class Differentiated Instruction Oral practice Group & individual conversation/repetition Rapid-fire exercises with vocabulary recall
How do I teach – cont. Materials D’accord (French textbook, workbook & on-line textbook with activities & assessments Descubre (Spanish textbook, workbook & on-line textbook with activities and assessments Projects Multi-media research project (choose region/culture) International marketplace
Parler/Hablar Talk, Talk Talk!
How do I teach? – cont. On-line tools Illustrated grammar tutorials Short story videos On-line activities & quizzes (using smartboard, tablets and at home devices) TPR = Total Physical Response An engaging and effective method to teach a foreign language
What do I teach? (Curriculum based on Colorado Based Standards for World Languages) I teach students the five Cs of Foreign Language Learning: 1) Communication 2) Cultures 3) Connections 4) Comparisons 5) Communities
What do I teach? – cont. Over the course of the year (3 trimesters) I aim to cover the following topics: Greetings Academic and everyday activities Family, friends & pets Places & activities around town Leisure activities, sports & shopping Weather
Curriculum – cont. Parties & celebrations Clothing & colors Travel & transportation Parts of house & household chores Food, dining Parts of the body, daily routine
Curriculum – cont. As we go along I will sprinkle in some of the following topics: Errands, giving & getting directions Professions, making phone calls Nature & Environmental concerns Performing & literary arts, T.V. and movies International Relations, Interpersonal Relationships & Contemporary Life
Curriculum – cont. Towns & cities News & media History, Human rights and politics Technology, inventions & science Banking & finances
Day in the life of a student in French or Spanish Class Practice Greetings in French/Spanish at door and in classroom Sharing: Good things/Les Bonnes Choses/Las Cosas Buenas Warm-up on Smart Board (usually a review of what they learned the previous day in the form of a: Reflection Writing exercise utilizing grammar & vocabulary just learned Introduce new topic in the form of a: Tutorial Small group exercise Game
Day in the life.... cont. Practice new concept utilizing one or more of the following techniques: reading, writing, listening & speaking in the form of …… Dictation (listen & write) Audio or audio-visual exercise on smart board or tablets Read text and answer questions Check for understanding Launch (quote, video clip related to lesson, often in Spanish or French)
Launch Questions??? Mrs. Partridge Quote --- ❝ If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart. ❞ ‒ Nelson Mandela
About me First year at AVA; Love the positive culture here! 5 + years teaching experience. Married with two sons, ages 13 & 15, who help me daily to be in tune with your sons and daughters. French major in college; Masters in International Administration Lived and travelled in Europe, Africa & Latin America.
Professional Goal To empower my students with the communication tools necessary to learn French or Spanish, and help them explore Francophone and Hispanic societies and their cultures that surround us in our increasingly diverse and global world.