Trash2D2 Oral Report 2 IMDL David Mercado
Summary of Function Main Objective: Collect Garbage Motor-Driven Abilities: ▫Roam & Avoid Obstacles ▫Open Lid At Hand Detection Special Sensor System: ▫Detect Presence of High Frequency Sounds ▫Go to Origin of Sound
Special Sensor: Microphone Electret Microphone ▫2 Microphones (Left/Right) ▫3.3 V Input ▫Analog Output Breakout Board ▫Attaches to Electret Microphone ▫Contains Op-Amp, Resistors, and Capacitors
Special Sensor: Analog Processing Bandpass Filter ▫Filtered to only allow ~ 1 kHz to ~ 8 kHz range Op-Amp ▫Resistor combination for 100x amplification
Special Sensor: Digital Processing Necessary for further frequency filtering Filter Algorithm ▫Array & For Loop for Sample Collection ▫Peak-to-Peak calculations to determine frequency ▫Peak magnitude calculations to determine volume & signal strength
Special Sensor: Location Orientation Orientation of Sound ▫Rotate towards stronger signal – right vs. left microphone ▫Strength based on volume algorithms ▫Dish receptor oriented outwards to better capture directional sound
Special Sensor: Location Arrival Continuous Data Collection ▫Rotates until aligned ▫Avoids obstacles during process High Frequency Sound Location ▫Located at door ▫Calls garbage can during trash collection day