How to Write a Syllabus for MYP
The easy stuff IB Course Title Level (IB year and traditional grade level) General course of study (if different from the IB course title) ie: Spanish instead of Language B, Algebra instead of math.
More easy stuff School Name: Flint Southwestern Classical Academy School Program: IB MYP Your name (or the names of everyone teaching this course) Your contact information – – Classroom phone number if possible
I. Course Description Copy the course description from the FSCA course catalog located in the FSCA IB Publications folder. There is a description for each of the 8 MYP core courses at each grade level. Elective courses may use the district course description or your own description. Try to include MYP
I. Example of Description I. DESCRIPTION The 8th grade IB Earth science course challenges students to study science in depth, participate in scientific research and use critical thinking skills. The class will prepare students for stewardship in a changing world through inquiry into Earth and the set of systems that work together to create the world that we know. An integrated study of the exosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and the biosphere will drive student learning in this course. Additionally, we will explore, discuss and learn about astronomy, energy and its resources, weather and climate. We will integrate technology and design, life science, chemistry, environmental science, space science and physics. This course will better prepare the middle school student for higher intellectual engagement by developing science skills needed for the challenges of the IB classes at the high school level.
II. MYP Aims and objectives addressed by this course What should the students know or be able to do when they have left your class? Find this in your Subject area guides You can copy and paste from the guide or summarize based on your knowledge and expertise teaching your subject.
II Continued You can put your class expectations here too! – Late work policy – Academic honesty – Student behavior expectations – Attendance policy – Etc.
III. Course Units / Global Context Unit TitleStatement of InquiryGlobal Context Themes of Geography/ Review of World Geography Humans have a great impact on the environment and must learn to adapt to the world they live in. Orientation in Space and Time AfricaAbsolute and relative locations have consequences for humans, resources, and the environment. Fairness and Development AsiaHumans form bonds, traditions, and religions in an effort to live and thrive in varying environments Personal and Cultural Expression Europe/RussiaNations form alliances to protect their military, cultural, and economic interests. Identities and Relationships Provide an outline of your MYP Units of Study here… If this is your first year teaching MYP or a particular subject, work with your grade level cohorts to sketch this out.
IV. Major Instructional Materials/ Resources List your textbook and any supplemental materials / digital resources that you will use frequently or rely upon heavily. This can be a summary~
V. Key instructional Strategies/ Approaches to Learning/ Type Go to your unit plans and list the Approaches to Learning you cited. Here are some examples: – The methodologies used in the class include inquiry- based language learning, proficiency oriented language activities, interactive technology experiences and demonstrations, vocabulary building, cultural experiences and discussions, individual reflection on concepts learned, cooperative group work, grade level readings related to subject matter, assignments and assessments connecting concepts to everyday life.
VI. Formative and Summative assessments used including MYP assessment Again, peek at your unit plans and list what you have for assessments. Here is an example: – Students will complete a variety of formative assessments including quizzes, tests, projects, homework, daily work, presentations and work characteristics (behavior, respect, cooperation, following directions, participation, and the ability to work independently). Students will be provided rubrics that were modified from the IB MYP assessment criteria.
VI. Formative and Summative assessments used including MYP assessment Include your grading scale here too!
VII: MYP Criteria Include the MYP Criterion here with a brief description of what they are and how they are to be assessed. This information comes directly from your subject area guide.