Middle School Common Exam Implementation Plan Spring 2013 NHCS
Rationale The schedule is designed to parallel the secure and controlled manner in which end-of-grade assessments are delivered. All stakeholders are confident that the data will accurately measure student learning. Quality data for the newly-adopted teacher effectiveness model is collected.
Required Common Exams Math: Geometry, Algebra II, Advanced Functions and Modeling, Pre Calculus Science: Grade 6-7 Science; Earth/Environmental Science, Physical Science, Chemistry, Physics English: English/Language Arts I, English/Language Arts III, English/Language Arts IV Social Studies: Grade 6-8 Social Studies; World History, Civics and Economics, U.S. History, American History I, American History II Occupational Courses: OCS English/Language Arts I, III, IV, Introductory Math, Financial Math, Applied Science
Common Exams (CE) Proctors are NOT required. Teachers may NOT administer assessment to their students. Review of Accommodations forms are not needed. Teachers may NOT score constructed response items. Colleagues in same content area will score. Scoring must be in a supervised group of 3 or more.
Assessment Specifications and Materials Test Administrator Manual (Same for all assessments) Student bubble sheets Tests with constructed response pages attached Scoring rubric (one per teacher)
Common Exam Test Codes CHECK!! Grade 6 Science 15 Grade 7 Science 16 Grade 6 Social Studies 47 Grade 7 Social Studies 48 Grade 8 Social Studies 49
May 1Common Exam Training May 15 Pick up Test Booklets (Select a sign up time) May 22-24Common Exam Administration May 24-June 5 Common Exam Constructed Response Scoring June 5-7 (AM ONLY)Scan common exams Schedule