Oak Valley Middle School Science Olympiad 2015-16
Time Line 8/26 - 9/4/15 Student Registration Period 9/8/15 Classes begin this week (depending on coaching) 10/7/15 First Meeting for San Diego Regional Teams (Head Coaches only - no students) at San Diego County Offices of Education; 4:00pm Oct./Nov. Top ninety students selected to form Regionals Teams (6 teams of 15) November Saturday optional “Invitational” competition; students who did not make Regionals Team will be invited to represent OVMS 11/14/15 Event Workshop (for ALL head and event coaches, assistant coaches - no students), location TBD; 2:30-4:00pm 1/6/16 Meeting of all Head Coaches and Event Coaches for Division B Teams; at San Diego County Offices of Education; 4:00pm January Saturday optional Invitational 2/6/16 Division B San Diego Regional Competition at Carlsbad High School (ALL DAY LONG!) 4/___/16 Southern California State Science Olympiad Competition (Saturday date TBD; all day long) August 26, 2015 Timeline
OVMS Philosophy & Strategy Learning, teamwork and fun Students should select events that they are interested in, not parents All work and effort should be from your student Long-term strategy of growing students each year Students should: Put their best work forward, but don’t be afraid to make mistakes Have a cooperative spirit Thank parents for their time, effort and support Parents – please encourage and support the volunteers and coaches Support Coaches and Leadership Team with researchers, administrative and event management volunteers August 26, 2015 OVMS Philosophy & Strategy
So Cal State (15 students) San Diego Regionals (90 students) OVMS Team (120+ students) Long-term philosophy promotes reasonable expectations plus a winning team! August 26, 2015 Long Term Philosophy
Division B Events Life, Personal & Social Science Earth & Space Science Physical Science & Chemistry Technology & Engineering Inquiry & Nature of Science Anatomy & Physiology (Skeletal, Muscular, Integumentary) Bio-Process Lab Disease Detectives (Population Growth) Green Generation Invasive Species Dynamic Planet (Oceanography) Fossils Meteorology (Everyday Weather) Reach for the Stars Road Scholar Physics Air Trajectory Crave the Wave Wind Power Chemistry Crime Busters Food Science Bridge Building Elastic Launched Glider Mission Possible Scrambler Bottle Rocket Experimental Design Picture This Write It Do It August 26, 2015 Division B Events
How to Choose an Event/Class August 26, 2015 How to Choose an Event/Class
August 26, 2015 Event Selection Page
OVMS Policies and Scoring Procedures Point System – 6 point maximum for any student, with a maximum of 5 events for any student. All participants from 2014-15: 1 POINT Previous medal holders at the Regional from last 2 years (2014 and 2015 Regionals): 1 POINT State medal winners from last 2 years (2014 and 2015 Regionals): 0.5 POINT Highest marks in the tests, quizzes for lab/study events, and highest marks for effort and quality of the design in building events. Points will be assigned as follows: CLASS RANKING PONTS EARNED MULTIPLIED BY THE NUMBER OF EVENTS Top 3 0.5 X no. of events Top 5 0.4 Top 10 0.3 Top 12 0.2 Top 15 0.1 Parent Volunteer points (maximum 1 POINT) Coaches/Leadership Team: 1 POINT Assistant Coach/Team Captain/Treasurer: 0.5 POINT Researchers: 0.3 POINT Class Helpers/High School volunteers: 0.2 POINT Administrative Volunteer: 0.2 POINT Event Management: 0.2 POINT August 26, 2015 OVMS Policies and Scoring Procedures
All participants from last year 2014-15 1 POINT For example: Jack is a 7th grader who participated in SO last year and was placed 3rd at the Regional in one event and 10th in another. He also won 10th place in an event at the State level. His mom is coaching an event and dad is an assistant coach for another event. This year, Jack is participating in 3 events and was placed 2nd in the first, 3rd in second and 13th in third in the class quizzes. Then his points would be calculated as… All participants from last year 2014-15 1 POINT Previous medal holders at the Regional from last 2 years 1 POINT State medal winners from last 2 years 0.5 POINT SO Event Class placement points For the first event… 0.5x1=0.5 For the second event… 0.5x1=0.5 For the third event… 0.1x1=0.1 So, the total in this section would be 0.5+0.5+0.1= 1.1 POINT Parent Volunteer points… 1 POINT Jack’s total SO points= 1+1+0.5+1.1+1=4.6 POINTS August 26, 2015 Points Example
Event Coaches and Assistant Coaches August 26,2015 Event Coaches and Assistant Coaches
Communications: www.ovmsso.org Google Groups ovmsso@gmail.com Facebook?