ADC test library in C Ján Šaliga Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunications Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
Agenda Introduction System of function Application example: PC sound card test
Introduction Existing software: end user application: LabVIEW J. Blair: “Sine-fitting software for IEEE Standards 1057 and 1241” IMTC’99. Proceeding, Venice, Italy, May pp Matlab J. Márkus, I. Kollár: “Standard framework for IEEE-Std-1241 in Matlab”, IMTC’01 Proceeding, Budapest, Hungary, May 2001,, pp – 1852 J. Márkus, “ADC Test Data Evaluation Program for Matlab”
Why such a library? Open source library was missing C language: very common, simply transferable on other platforms and languages Developing tool: LabWindows/CVI by NI in form of Instrument driver Based on DYNAD, useable for IEEE, added special functions Introduced: J. Šaliga, S. Csernok: C-language function class for signal processing at ADC testing, proc. of ADDA & EWADC 2002 conf., Prague, pp Access in the present: or
Classes of functions Histogram-based test procedures Test Conditions Data Analysis Data Processing In Time Domain Data Processing In Frequency Domain Fourier Coherent Sampling Non Coherent Sampling Miscellaneous
Details and example Details - see ADC test library.docADC test library.doc Example – see Test_sound_resultTest_sound_result
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