ELCA Electronic Library Consortium of Armenia newly created non-profit consortium of libraries and research institutions in Armenia consortium-building grant by OSI since Sep. 15, 2002 to Sep. 15, 2003
MAIN PRINCIPLES OF ELCA ACTIVITY Union of non-profit organizations – libraries, universities, scientific, research and humanitites institutions Transparency and openness of all activities Built around Fundamental Sci. Library of the Nat. Acad. Sci. [NAS] (more than 50% of scientists and humanitarians are concentrated at NAS) Service center oriented – 5 service centers at largest libraries Financial sources of ELCA subscription funds: membership fees and special contributions of members (can’t be substantial by now) State (zero-sized yet) Foundations (will be main source for the nearest future period)
CURRENT SITUATION & DIFFICULTIES Absence of library & institution funding from the State in terms of acquiring electronic information Severe lack or absence of computers in libraries Problems with Internet connection (high Internet traffic prices) making Internet unaffordable for many state institutions Common passiveness of institutional and library heads in sense of using and acquiring electronic information (root of the problem: conservatism, lack of skills, understanding, etc.) Unwillingness of the state and majority of scientific and research institutions to pay minimal contributions for EBSCO usage threatened the availability of EBSCO at all Weak usage of eIFL Direct during
CURRENT RESOURCES AVAILABLE eIFL Direct databases (eIFL Direct, eIFL Sci&Tech., eIFL Russian) eIFL Direct databases (eIFL Direct, eIFL Sci&Tech., eIFL Russian) INASP/PERI databases sponsored by INTAS (Emerald, Oxford University Press, Springer-LINK, Blackwell, some quota on SUBITO document delivery service [DDS]) INASP/PERI databases sponsored by INTAS (Emerald, Oxford University Press, Springer-LINK, Blackwell, some quota on SUBITO document delivery service [DDS]) Resouces available via Yerevan State University (limited access to Fresno Univ. DDS) via grant from NFSAT (Nat. Foundation of Science & Advanced Technologies) Resouces available via Yerevan State University (limited access to Fresno Univ. DDS) via grant from NFSAT (Nat. Foundation of Science & Advanced Technologies) Now since May 12 also DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals – about 350 open acess journals via eIFL Now since May 12 also DOAJ – Directory of Open Access Journals – about 350 open acess journals via eIFL
ADVANCES ELCA Web-site creation is being completed At first stage – point of acess to information about ELCA, its activities and resources Shortly listserv to be launched To be turned into single-point information portal for ELCA members ELCA statute is drafted and adopted recently Initial 11 founder organizations of ELCA State registration documents being prepared to perform it soon Licensing sub-contracts being studied, adapted and translated for later use Licensing and copyright workshop to take place in Armenia on May (headed by Tuula Haavisto, Finland)
GOALS-PROSPECTS-EXPECTATIONS Regions still not involved – related fundraising activities planned with ministries and foundations More vigorous promotion activity with members Assisting ELCA members through training courses and publication of native-language detailed guides for eIFL databases usage A proposal is being prepared to take part at Budapest Open Access Initiative in sense of creating first Armenian Open Access Journal in sciences and humanities To create an electronic information center for young scientists (incl. post-graduates)