By: Black Diamond
Problems Students are expected to retain a lot of information inside and outside of school. Biology requires the most memorization. Teachers need effective and fun ways to teach science and resource management skills in a fast- paced competitive world.
Solutions Technology is advancing, opening up more fun ways to learn. Animal adventures teaches students basics of zoology and ecosystem management through a phone-based gaming app Is my app addictive? How is my app unique?
Let’s play Your Score 100 Play Options Raise Funds Introduce new animals Quit
The Play Button was hit Your Score 100
A lion in the park just made a kill Click “Introduce new animals” button to adopt new animals into the ecotourism park. Click “Raise Funds” button to maintain the park. Click “Play” button to continue your adventure. Make sure that ecological environment is balanced. Score less than 30 indicates ecosystem is unbalanced and you lose the game. Yummy Play Raise Funds Introduce new animals
Your Score: 100 Medicine Crocodile (57) - A cold- blooded predators. - Can survive long periods without food. Lion (74) - One of the four big cats in the genus Panthera, and a member of the family Felidae. Squirrel (20) - Have an excellent sense of vision & very versatile and sturdy claws for grasping and climbing. Animals
Competition There are a lot of animal related games out there, but our app is stands out because of several reasons: Educational in high-school and middle-school zoology, endangered species, and natural ecosystems Addicting to learn more about nature Teaches resource management and responsibility towards environment
Market Animal Adventures is aimed at: 13 and up Students struggling or wanting to learn more about Biology/Zoology Students who are preparing for the state standardized testing Teachers looking for a fun and creative new way to teach science, responsibility, and resource management and planning. Anyone who enjoys to play fun games.
Student’s question: Would you use a gaming app to help you learn biology? Teacher’s question: Would you like to use technology in classroom?
Value Money-making options for this game: It is 99c to purchase this app. Relevant advertisements during download that do not interfere with the users gaming experience Future expansions to game prototype: fun new levels, multiple-user competition, more animals (land and sea), and other natural theme parks (e.g. coral reefs).
Mobile Experience Notifications Can be used on the go Connect with the world
Future plans Our team has many ideas that we were not able to express in our current product. We hope that we can add to our game in the future with: Multi-user competition More levels. More questions. Give the user more options to choose from. And many more.