What caught your eye at DEAS 2005? 40 DEAS 2005 Participants
2 What caught your eye at DEAS 2005? Murray Interoperability – need standards Dan Adapting to design flaws seems impossible Danny Lots of architectures for adaptability Apply architectural analysis to verify quality properties Marin Diverse range of papers across autonomic computing, and software engineering Wide spectrum of high-level and specific papers
3 What caught your eye at DEAS 2005? Masoud Pushing complexity inside systems can become difficult to maintain (humans still involved in evolving these systems) Need to separate the concerns of self-management from business logic Rean How to benchmark or evaluate these systems on various quality factors, beyond performance? Need objective criteria
4 What caught your eye at DEAS 2005? Piotr Diverse range of papers, but disjoint; perhaps the topics could be more targeted, since autonomic computing is such a wide area Dennis Diversity good, to avoid the growing community from being too insular Several traditions involved here TRAPJ approach seems to have promise
5 What caught your eye at DEAS 2005? Bradley Also interested in TRAP approach Massimiliano Practicality of the techniques Marcus No one presented a development approach that involved existing, legacy components
6 What caught your eye at DEAS 2005? No work on formally analyzing an adaptable system to ensure quality requirements Yijun Need example benchmark problem on which autonomic aspects can be applied Diverse range of viewpoints Looking at formalizing goals; executable specification language for dynamic changing goals for properties
7 What caught your eye at DEAS 2005? How to reveal fault or failure in a system? How to specify formally how to adapt or evolve the system? Alexei Didn’t see anything on formalization of adaptation Practical solutions lower level than he can directly use
8 What caught your eye at DEAS 2005? Dynamic measures Jinguo Agents community also very diverse Lots of mechanisms, but missed real results or strategies for making a system self managing; does such a system really help? Ken Role of user in autonomic systems
9 What caught your eye at DEAS 2005? Upcoming autonomic computing events ICAC, Seattle, mid June ICSM, Budapest, September STEP – Software Technology & Engineering Practice –Working workshop CASCON, Toronto, October 19 Autonomic Workshops
10 What caught your eye at DEAS 2005? DEAS future A focus on software applications, more than the middleware aspects Need design techniques and strategies for building an autonomic application in some domain Symposium at ICSE 2006 Shanghai two-day workshop focusing on software engineering aspects
11 DEAS 2005 Proceedings 21 papers 131 pages To appear in ACM Digital Library Copyright ACM /05/0005 final.pdf final.pdf
Thank you all!! Have a safe trip home!