Particulars MIZORAM Population. 10,91,014 (2011 census) Sex Ratio. (Female per 1000 Male)975 Literacy Rate94.58% Birth Rate16.3 Death Rate4.4 Natural Growth Rate11.9 Population Density. Per sq km52 Doctor Population Ratio.1: 3100 Nurse Population Ratio.1: 1360 IMR 35 (2012) MMR 61 ( )
Primary School PAB approvalActual Enrolment Average No. of children availed for MDM Upper Primary School PAB approvalActual Enrolment Average No. of children availed for MDM
PAB Approval No. of CCH engaged as per norms Remarks Expost-facto approval being awaited
Primary School Gross Allocation for the FY Lifted from FCI Aggregate quantity Consumed at School level Upper Primary School Gross Allocation for the FY Lifted from FCI Aggregate quantity Consumed at School level
Allocation for FY Bills raised by FCIPayment to FCI
Allocation for FY Released
ParticularsAmount contribute P/S Cooking CostRe 1.20 per child per day UPS cooking CostRe per child per day Honorarium of Cook-cum-helperRs per month
Sl.noName of District % of No. of children covered Health Check - ups Iron & Folic Acid Distributed Vitamin 'A' Distributed De-worming tablets distributed 1Aizawl Champhai0470 3Kolasib0920 4Lawngtlai87 0 5Lunglei73 6Mamit Saiha0000 8Serchhip21000 Mizoram
Delay in the release of funds: The Commissioner & Secretary requested the State Finance Department time and again to make timely release of MDM funds stating to give prime importance to MDM despite acute fiscal problems faced by the State. Construction of Kitchen-cum-store: All constructions have been completed. Fewer Inspections (16%): Rigid instructions to inspect the schools to the officials was issued by the Secretary to the inspecting authorities. As a result, inspections rate had been improved enormously. Poor School Health Programme: The Convergence Committee between School Education & School Health so formed yielded a good convergence between the two departments in carrying out the School Health Programme to schools.
The Department is providing Weighing Scale in the year to all Primary Schools and are maintaining Health Record Card. Health Department is also providing weighing scale and height measurement in most of the Upper Primary Schools in the state. MI is concerning for low food intake and as per their suggestion the SLCC increased the state contribution of cooking cost from Re 0.70 to Rs 1.20 in the year The Dieticians in the state are engaged for preparation of the menu in the state. But practically this could not be followed due to non-availability of commodities. The Health Department is now operating 17 mobile health team in every district under RBSK which may be called for Emergency Services.
ParticularsAmount to be contributed. P/S Cooking CostRe 1.20 per child per day UPS cooking CostRe per child per day Honorarium of Cook-cum-helperRs per month
Primary School PAB approval for Actual EnrolmentProposal for Upper Primary School PAB approval for Actual EnrolmentProposal for
PAB Approval for No. of CCH engaged as per norms Proposal for
Proposal for Remarks 110 P roposal for 110 Kitchen-cum Store amounting Rs lakhs submitted to be sanctioned during
Strengthening of MDM Cell in the State as well as establishment of MDM Cell in the District is necessary in order to ensure better implementation and effective management of the scheme.
Sl No Name of Post State Level Distri ct Level No. of post proposed Salary per month Salary per year 1 State/District/ Co- Rs 28,000 pm State/District/ Asst Co- Rs 25,000 pm District/ MIS Rs 28,000 pm State/District/ Data Entry Rs 25,000 pm Ivth Grade Total
Monitoring & Supervision Monitoring & supervision needs to be strengthened. It is proposed hiring of private Motor Vehicle for a Rs 25,000/- per month for the State as well as all district. State Nodal Office with other 8 (eight) districts Hiring rate for 12 months for State Nodal Office with other 8 (eight) districts Total Rs X 12 months x 9Rs 27,00,000
Training of Nodal teacher, Cook-cum- Helper, BRCC, CRCC, Village Education Committee and parents needs to be conducted. For this purpose an amount of Rs lakhs is proposed. Capacity building
Repair and Renovation of Kitchen-cum-Store : Kitchen-cum-Store constructed prior to 2009 with lower cost has became shabby and some of them in a dilapidated condition due to wear and tears. For this repairing works an amount of RS lakhs is required.
Fund towards MIS (Management Information System): Management Information System in the State deals with maintenance of the entry of annual and monthly data along with other aspects necessary for monitoring of Mid-Day Meal Scheme. An amount of Rs 6.93 lakhs is required for strengthening MIS in the District for Hardware and Internet Connection.
Proposed Budget Provision for MME during Sl. No Specification Purpose PhysicalUnit Cost Requirement for the month Requireme nt for the year Recurring Assistance 1State/District/ Co-ordinator State/District/ Asst Co-ordinator/Accountant District/ MIS Co-ordinator/ State/District/ Data Entry Operator IVth Grade Sub-Total Non-Recurring Assistance 1Monitoring & Supervision Capacity Building & Training: Repair & Renovation of Kitchen cum Store Fund towards MIS: Office Expenses Sub-Total Grand Total