The Pavillion, Llandrindod Wells Monday 22 nd February 2010
Programme 09:00Registration & Refreshments 09:30Welcome & Introductions 09:45Professor Jim Mansell 11:15Refreshments & Networking 11:30Purpose, Membership & Users 12:30Lunch 13:30The things we cannot forget? 14:30SBAR - A Place to Start 15:30Agenda for Next Time & Close
The Mansell Report Professor Jim Mansell
Refreshments 11:30
Etienne Wenger ‘Communities of Practice’ have been around for as long as human beings have learned together. At home, at work, at school, in our hobbies, we all belong to communities of practice, a number of them usually. In some we are core members and in others we are merely peripheral. We travel through many communities over the course of our lives. The relationship between our personal identity and our social identities in these communities is dynamic.
CoP Recipe … Acknowledged at the highest level Run by participants with facilitation Flexible, adaptive and responsive No predetermined external expectations Relationships actively developed over time
Industrial organisation … Find a problem Find an answer Find a sponsor Find an expert Find a project Find an opportunity Find Frustration? TOP STUFF MID STUFF BOT STUFF REAL STUFF REAL STUFF BOT STUFF REAL STUFF REAL STUFF MID STUFF BOT STUFF REAL STUFF REAL STUFF BOT STUFF REAL STUFF REAL STUFF
Regulatory body Learning Function Audit & Research Workplace A Workplace B Allied Workplace Profession I Profession II Professional body Community A Community B Broker Boundary Projects Boundary Practices Boundary People Knowledge organisation … Boundary Objects Broker Community C Broker
Industrial approach … Propose Plan Procure
Knowledge approach … Talk Test Teach
Challenging Behaviour … A small number of people with learning disabilities behave in ways which people without learning disabilities may find difficult.
Purpose … A few simple sentences to describe what our CoP is? A few simple sentences to describe what we want to achieve?
Membership … Multiagency and Multidisciplinary Flexible & inclusive depending on the subject matter Core, regular, occasional and interested People “Those that have an interest and the passion and the determination to push this concept through to its conclusion for the benefit of every individual”
Engaging with Users …
Lunch Break 13:30
Programme 09:00Registration & Refreshments 09:30Welcome & Introductions 09:45Professor Jim Mansell 11:15Refreshments & Networking 11:30Purpose, Membership & Users 12:30Lunch 13:30The things we cannot forget? 14:30SBAR - A Place to Start 15:30Agenda for Next Time & Close
Broken Windows James Wilson & George Kelling article in Atlantic Monthly March 1982James Wilson & George Kelling article in Atlantic Monthly March 1982 Bernie Getts 1984Bernie Getts Vagrants2 Vagrants 170,000 Fares a Day170,000 Fares a Day $10,000,000 Graffitti$10,000,000 Graffitti
Agree where to start … What are the important things that we cannot forget? Strategic goals, technical tools and a couple of those “Broken Windows”
Making sure our ideas stand up to scrutiny: Situation Background Assessment Recommendations
SBAR – Market Place …
Agenda for the future … 1.What have you done since last time the CoP Met. 2.? 3.? 4.? 5.? 6.? 1.What have you done since last time the CoP Met. 2.? 3.? 4.? 5.? 6.?
The Pavillion, Llandrindod Wells Monday 22 nd February 2010