Reaction Rate How Fast Does the Reaction Go
Collision Theory Chemists believe that all chemical change (rearrangement of matter) occurs due to the collision of the atoms or molecules that are reacting.
Collisions must have enough energy to produce the reaction (must equal or exceed the activation energy). Orientation of reactants must allow formation of new bonds
Molecules not correctly orientated, so no reaction Molecules are correctly orientated, so reaction occurs For example: 2BrNO(l)2NO (g) + Br 2 (g)
Energy Reaction coordinate Reactants Products
Energy Reaction coordinate Reactants Products Activation Energy - Minimum energy to make the reaction happen E a
Energy Reaction coordinate Reactants Products Activated Complex or Transition State
Energy Reaction coordinate Reactants Products Overall energy change ΔH
Endothermic Reactions
Exothermic Reactions
Bimolecular Reaction
Things that affect Rate 1. Temperature -Higher temperature faster particles. -More and harder collisions. -Faster Reactions.
Temperature & Reaction Rate
Things that affect rate 2. Concentration -More concentrated closer together the molecules. -Collide more often. -Faster reaction.
Things that Effect Rate 3. Nature of reactants a. Reactions are rapid at room temperature if no bonds are required Ionic reactions: Pb 2+ + SO 4 2- → PbSO 4
b. Reactions are slow at room temperature when several bonds in the reacting substances must be broken Molecular reactions C 2 H 5 OH + 3 O 2 2CO 2 + 3H 2 O
4. Surface area -Molecules can only collide at the surface. Smaller particles bigger surface area. Smaller particles faster reaction.
5. a)Catalysts- substances that speed up a reaction without being used up.(enzyme). -Speeds up reaction by giving the reaction a new path. -The new path has a lower activation energy. -More molecules have this energy. -The reaction goes faster. b) Inhibitor- a substance that blocks a catalyst (raises the activation energy).
Energy Reaction coordinate Reactants Products
Endothermic Reaction with a Catalyst
Exothermic Reaction with a Catalyst
Catalysts Increase the Number of Effective Collisions
Reaction Mechanism Elementary reaction- a reaction that happens in a single step. Reaction mechanism is a description of how the reaction really happens. It is a series of elementary reactions. The product of an elementary reaction is an intermediate. An intermediate is a product that immediately gets used in the next reaction.
+ This reaction takes place in three steps
+ EaEa First step is fast Low activation energy
Second step is slow High activation energy + EaEa
+ EaEa Third step is fast Low activation energy
Second step is rate determining
Intermediates are present
Activated Complexes or Transition States
Mechanisms and rates There is an activation energy for each elementary step. Slowest step (rate determining) must have the highest activation energy.
A chemical example of a Reaction Mechanism H 2 (g)+I 2 (g) → 2HI (g) This reaction is very slow at room temperature but if the system is exposed to sunlight ( source of UV light ) the reaction proceeds rapidly.
Step 1 –I 2 (g) →2I (g) Step 2 –H 2 (g)+2I (g) → 2HI (g) Overall: H 2 (g)+I 2 (g) → 2HI (g)
Mechanism with catalyst: Steprate 1.Cl + O 3 → O 2 + ClOMedium 2. O 3 → O 2 + OFast 3.ClO + O → Cl + O 2 Fast Overall2O 3 → 3O 2 Intermediates are ClO and O; catalyst is Cl