Group tutorial WEW Politics
O Aim O To discuss whether cosmetic piercing should be regulated for under 16’s O Objectives O To identify current laws O Recognise what the Welsh government is proposing O Clearly communicate your views on the proposed change in law.
Piercings Why do you think people have piercings? Many people have a cosmetic piercing because it is fashionable or to express individuality and some people have cosmetic piercings for religious or cultural reasons.
Definitions O “Cosmetic piercing” means piercing the skin to make a hole to wear jewelry. O Areas on the body where a person can have a cosmetic piercing including ears, eyebrows, nose, tongue, lip, and belly button. O “Intimate cosmetic piercing” is a piercing of the nipples or genitals.
O The Welsh Government is committed to improving the health of people in Wales. O One of the key areas for debate within the programme for Government is : ‘consult on the need to introduce legislation to ensure parental consent for cosmetic piercing procedures carried out on young people’.
Is piercing really a problem? O Piercings can be part of culture or fashion O Research in England has shown that over 25% of people who have a cosmetic piercing (other than the earlobes) experience problems such as; O Swelling O Infection O Bleeding O Allergies O Tear O Injury O Around 50% of those consider it serious enough to seek further help. O Serious cases have included nerve damage, scarring, blood viruses such as hepatitis and very rare cases where people who already had health problems have died following a cosmetic piercing. O Have you suffered any health implications due to piercings?
Current legislations on piercings O Currently local authorities in Wales can require cosmetic piercers to register their businesses and to follow rules relating to cleanliness and hygiene. O There is however no age restriction for cosmetic piercing.
Piercings O Who has a piercing in this group? O What age did you have your first piercing? O Was there a parent or guardian present? O Did you have the permission of a parent or guardian?
What happens in other countries? O Scotland - Local authorities have the power to licence and inspect businesses that carry out cosmetic piercing. They also require written parental permission before any cosmetic piercing can be carried out on a young person under 16. The person giving parental permission must also be with the young person when the piercing is done. O Northern Ireland and England (outside London) – There is currently no age restriction for cosmetic piercing. Local authorities can require cosmetic piercers to register their businesses and to follow rules relating to cleanliness and hygiene (this is the same as in Wales). O Outside the UK - Controls over the age at which a young person can have a cosmetic piercing without parental permission are also in place in other parts of the world, for example in parts of the USA and Australia. The intimate cosmetic piercing of young people under 18 is banned in some countries.
What is the Welsh Government proposing? O 1) The need for a parent or guardian to give their permission (both in writing and through attendance at the piercing appointment) before a young person below a certain age can have a cosmetic piercing (we currently think this should be below 16). O 2) A clear age restriction for intimate cosmetic piercings. O 3) A standard set of questions which must be asked by the piercer before any cosmetic piercing can be done.
What do you think about the proposals? O Discuss as a group
Reasons given by the welsh government O Parent/guardian permission for young people under 16 would be in line with existing child protection law which recognises the greater independence of young people from 16. O The right to leave school, enter the workforce and, quite possibly, live independently are available to young people at 16. O Parent/guardian permission for young people under 16 would be in line with what happens in other parts of the UK (Scotland and parts of London). O The parent/guardian would have the opportunity to give their permission for the cosmetic piercing to take place (pressure from friends to have a cosmetic piercing may be a reason why some young people have one, so requiring a parent/guardian to be involved may reduce this pressure). O The parent/guardian could help the young person to understand what having a cosmetic piercing means, including the possible problems. O The parent/guardian could help the young person find a registered piercer to get a piercing done.
What do you think? O Share your thoughts… O /111017cosmeticpiercingen.pdf /111017cosmeticpiercingen.pdf O Read the document for yourself and follow the link to have your say. O You have until 31 st January 2012 to submit your response.
O Aim O To discuss whether cosmetic piercing should be regulated for under 16’s O Objectives O To identify current laws O Recognise what the Welsh government is proposing O Clearly communicate your views on the proposed change in law. References – Welsh Assembly Government, Cosmetic piercing of young people, 2011