08/14/11 presentation by Nuwan Liyanage
Introduction Four Generations of Nanotechnology Nanofactory Nanoassembler Did You Know? Nanowires and Carbon Nanotubes Products of Nanotechnology
The engineering of a functional system at a molecular or atomic scale is nanotechnology The nanotechnology involves in arranging or changing atomic structure, developing devices, and manufacture high performance products. The development of nanotechnology can be illustrated based on four generations. Nanotechnology deals with processing the substance which is measuring between 1 and 100 nm.
Nanofactory is a device which allow you to fabricate the atoms in nanoscale.. This devise assembles atoms in a desires shape, so that a useful product can be produced. The mechanochemestry involves in assembling atoms. The mechanical manipulator directed to the targeted atom and then it twist or push or pull the targeted atom. The mechanical manipulator carryout this process until the chemical reaction occur in correct way. The entire process is carried on a vacuum. The tool tip is located at the end of the mechanical manipulator which adds the atoms in to the surface. The bond between the atom and the tool tip is weaker than the bond which it will form with the surface. After bringing the atom closer to the surface the atom undergoes bond transfer and attaches to the surface. The stocking pattern can be analyzed by a advanced cad software.
Nano assembler is a nanofacotry which consist thousanda of mechanical manipulators and chains which produce the acctual products. The future vision of nanotechnology is based on nano assembler manufacture. The nano assembler can be controlled and monitored by a cad software ( aY) aY
The diamond can be produced by rearranging the atomic structure of coal. The computer chips can be produced by rearranging the atomic structure of sand. The rearrangement of dirt, water, and air leads to the production of potato. ++
There are different diameters of nanottubes. Nanotube has the shape of a cylinder. Nanotubes and nanowires can be used to produce different devises. For an example the nanotubes can be used to build high performance chips or transistor. Nanotubes can be produced by rolling a carbon sheet. The three main rolling patterns are zigzag, armchair, and chiral. The properties of carbon nanotube depends on the folding pattern. The different folding pattern results different electric conduct properties and the different strengths.
High performance chips and transistors Light weight and hard materials Sunscreen (avoid whitish tinge ) Foldable LCD screens Clothing ( cloths which protect body from UV radiation). Scratch resistant coating for automobiles and eye glasses. Self-cleaning glass (photocatalic and hydrophilic)