EHN1 Extension overhead crane coverage Keith Kershaw CERN EN-HE
Existing Crane General View CENF Project Technical Meeting 4 April 2013 K Kershaw
Extremities CENF Project Technical Meeting 4 April 2013 K Kershaw
Main hoist (to be replaced) CENF Project Technical Meeting 4 April 2013 K Kershaw
Cabin and 5t hoist (to be replaced) CENF Project Technical Meeting 4 April 2013 K Kershaw
Supplier Crane drawing CENF Project Technical Meeting 4 April 2013 K Kershaw
Crane Drawing
Existing crane hook coverage CENF Project Technical Meeting 4 April 2013 K Kershaw
Existing Hook Coverage Summary Height under main crane beams: 9.5m 40t max hook height and approach distances: Max hook height 10.2m above floor level 1.5m from the crane rail at each side of the building 4.5m from the end of the building 5t hook lift height and approach distances: Max hook height 7.65m above floor level 2.4m from crane rail at Jura side of building (worst case of existing cranes) 3.2m from crane rail at Saleve side of building (worst case of existing cranes) 1.6m from end of building CENF Project Technical Meeting 4 April 2013 K Kershaw
Consolidation Re-use existing beams (9.5m) New 40t main hoist New cabin and 5t hoist Control from cabin or radio control Lamp maintenance Small reduction in 40t side approach distances Improve cabin access Some reduction in 5t side approach distances Other requests CENF Project Technical Meeting 4 April 2013 K Kershaw