AdVENTURE, 6 th Grade
AdVENTURE 6 th Grade Monday, January 31
A Review – Spelling Hockey Received Neither Believe Achievement Equality Referee Pleasant Illegal Nominee Electricity Frequent Entry Eagerly Pique Easel Abbreviate Tedious
Your Task Today – choose one, both are partner projects Create a crossword puzzle using all of your spelling words. OR Write a story or rap (about the Superbowl) using all of your spelling words (illustrations are optional).
AdVENTURE 6 th Grade Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Review – simple sentences One subject Ipod Computer Engineer Player Car One predicate Plays Creates Runs Speaks Moves
Review – Compound Sentences (two simple sentences joined by a conjunction and separated by a comma.) The Pittsburgh Steelers are going to the Superbowl, I want a new ipod for my birthday, but, they will need to have great defense if they want to win. so, I better start saving money now! FANBOYSFANBOYS Independent clause, conjunction, independent clause
Review - Conjunctions Coordinating FANBOYS Subordinating ctions/list-of- subordinating- conjunctions.html
Your task today Please turn in three simple sentences. Underline the subject once and the predicate twice. Turn in three compound sentences. Underline the first independent clause once, the second independent clause twice, circle your conjunction (and remember your comma.) Tic-tac-toe when done.
AdVENTURE, 6 th Grade Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Review – Compound-Complex Sentences Two independent and one dependent clause On Saturday after football practice, I wanted to visit my friends, but my mom said I needed to help clean the garage.
Your task today Today we will build compound-complex sentences. Blue people=independent clause Red people=independent clause Green people=dependent clauses. We will rearrange ourselves into different groups to form compound complex sentences.
AdVENTURE, 6 th Grade Thursday, February 3, 2011
Punctuation Review Colons: Semicolons;
Your task Today we will play Jeopardy to review all that we’ve learned in this unit. Multimedia folks, you can take your test today.
AdVENTURE, 6 th Grade Friday, February 5, 2011
Your task today Complete our final unit task. When everyone is done, we’ll have time to work on our tic-tac-toes. Next week, we’ll begin our research report unit!