Estimation of efficiency to foreign economic activity of enterprise How to get into the concrete market in the best way? In modern conditions it is possible to allocate three basic ways of penetration into the foreign markets. Creation of own marketing network. At a choice of this way of penetration on the foreign markets it is necessary to know well the market, probably, to have there constant representatives who are employees of the given firm-exporter, well know its production, protect interests of the enterprise etc.
Use of independent trading, marketing intermediaries. The expediency of this way is doubtless at introduction on the new markets when own system of sale is not created yet, and, maybe, its creation inefficiently or demands the big expenses
The third way of penetration on the foreign market unlike considered, assuming, that the goods (production) is created at the enterprises of firm- exporter and in ready (or nearly so ready) a kind are delivered on the market, mean production, goods creation in full or in part in the country on which market the enterprise aspires.
Such way is expedient, it is obvious, if the given market for firm is extremely perspective and, besides, goods manufacture on a place can give notable economic gains, including economy on transport costs, the customs duties, detour of non- tariff barriers, and also economy of industrial expenses (cost of raw materials, energy, wages, deductions on social insurance, etc Detour-обход Notable economic gains-Ощутимые экономические выгоды
For correct definition of strategy of work the firm should analyze some questions. First, what real price of the goods for the consumer and in what its basic difference from cost and value consists.
The all-round price of the goods from the point of view of the buyer shares on two parts. The first represents a money's worth of the goods of certain quality, or that sum which the buyer pays to the seller for the goods. The second part of the price are expenses accompanying (сопровождение) purchase, which the buyer ( expenses on exploitation), minus outer effects (economy) which are the buyer receives
Goods cost - set of all expenses (расходы) which are carried by the producer, connected with production, realization and goods service. Value of the goods - the positive or negative importance of the goods defined by its properties (свойства) and an activity of the buyer.
On the basis of the analysis of the received information the firm can spend preliminary market segmentation, define target groups of consumers, and also a place of the goods of the given firm in the market. Market segmentation is a breakdown of the market on accurate groups of buyers by the certain criteria influencing the relation to the given goods and its consumption by given buyers for which separate complexes of marketing are required.
After the administration has made the decision on target groups of buyers, it is necessary to define precisely goods place in the market. Goods positioning in the market is a support to the goods of distinctive competitive position in the market by means of various elements of marketing.
Strategy of an exit of the enterprise on the market end users There are some basic strategy of an exit on the market. Their especially wide application is characteristic for commodity markets of mass demand, however substantive provisions of this or that strategy can be used at work on a commodity market of industrial appointment too.