Wednesday, July 21 st, 2010 – PROJECT MEETING Analysis and evaluation of all activities in the project so far WPO - Management of the Project ▫Strategy followed and conclusions of the work. ▫Group project coordinator - Balance activities WP 1 - Activity of convergence ▫Immersion initiative to incorporators – what was performed and results obtained ▫Project’s Plan of implementation initial Diagnosis of Training needs of the sector Work done by each partner and their results. Influence of these results in the future development of the project in the partner country - final conclusions Definition of the geographic area of intervention of each partner. Reasons for defining this area. Local partnerships (establishment of contacts/protocols with other organizations, including municipal organisms). Local partnerships created by each partner. Number of protocols for each partner. 2
Wednesday, July 21 st, 2010 – PROJECT MEETING WP2 - Activity of Appropriation ▫Training to incorporators (partners and coordinators of the project) Planning and organization of the action Development of the action Evaluation of the action ▫Balance of activities WP3 – Activity of Incorporation ▫Selection process for the attribution of the "stamp“ Constitution of audit teams Adaptation contextualization of the "Stamp" Inscription/candidature of companies to obtain the "Stamp" Select candidate companies (audits and documental check-list) 3
Wednesday, July 21 st, 2010 – PROJECT MEETING WP3 – Activity of Incorporation Activities implemented by each partner Companies selected by each partner As the seal was presented to companies That results - what / how many companies have signed up? Who is part of the "audit teams"? Audits were undertaken? How many? By who? With what results? ▫" Pedagogical Kit " Adaptation/contextualization Implementation of the diagnosis needs (HSW)/ audits on the selected companies Adaptation of the Pedagogical Kit in the context of the companies gathered by the incorporators Adjustments to the contexts of product developers, which adjustments were made to the products? What is being changed for original products? On what basis were these topics chosen? 4
Thursday, July 22 nd, 2010 – PROJECT MEETING 5 ▫Implementation/experimentation of the " Pedagogical Kit " Initial training on coaching Technical training on HSW to leaders/entrepreneurs Technical Training on HSW food manipulators Coaching/consultancy Process Products that each partner is experimented and why? WP4 – Evaluation of results and impact ▫Balance of work package ▫Evaluation strategy used, results
Thursday, July 22 nd, 2010 – PROJECT MEETING WP5 – Dissemination ▫General dissemination strategy ▫Dissemination strategy for partner ▫Documentary evidence of the activities undertaken by each partner and materials produced 6
PROJECT RESULTS Concrete results of the project, the dissemination activities undertaken the impact on the specific target group/s changes in original planning in your application 8
RESULTS OF THE PROJECT 9 Tangible results / products send with this Final Report (two copies of each tangible result / product.) How this result helped to achieve the project objective/s! Type of evaluation and testing Where, when and how the evaluation and testing were carried out (for example, scope, method, tools, sample, etc.)? Findings, conclusions and lessons of evaluation and testing: Was the result/product/process modified respectively adapted after evaluation and testing? Partners involved How the recommendations of the National Agency were taken into consideration after the Interim Report and/or the monitoring visit.
TYPE OF TRANSFER 10 transfer strategy used in the project and also any positive and/or negative experiences during the implementation of that strategy How did your project implement the transfer of innovation from a sector, geographical or other perspective? suitability and success of your strategy/ies.
DISSEMINATION AND EXPLOITATION OF RESULTS / PRODUCTS / PROCESSES Activities for the dissemination and exploitation of results. Country - [table 4 – Country and Region Codes (NUTS)] Region - [table 4 – Country and Region Codes (NUTS)] Municipality – What sectors were targeted by these dissemination activities? - [table 3 – Economic Sector (NACE)] Which groups were targeted? - [table 8 – Target Groups] Number of participants Which institutions/organisations were targeted? - [table 1 – Type of Organisation] Organisational size of targeted institutions/organisations - [table 2 – Organisational Size] Why these institutions/organisations have been chosen? What is their relevance in connection with the project objective? Results and feedback received from stakeholders (target group or sector) of implemented dissemination activities. 11
DISSEMINATION AND EXPLOITATION OF RESULTS / PRODUCTS / PROCESSES 12 Aims of your dissemination activities and comment on the suitability and the success of these activities. Attach copies of your dissemination strategy, of any results or any feedback, as well as any dissemination materials produced (articles, posters, leaflets, presentations). Provide samples from all the partner countries where implementation has taken place. Do not forget to list any attached documents in section I.
IMPACT AND SUSTAINABILITY 13 IMPACT impact on (1) target groups and/or sectors and (2) geographical target areas (local, regional, national and/or European). Describe the quantitative and qualitative indicators you have used to measure the impact. 1) Impact on target groups and/or sectors: Indicators: 2) Impact on geographical target areas (local, regional, national and/or European): Indicators: Identify whether and how your project has made an impact on the national VET system of your country and/or on the national VET systems of your partners to date
IMPACT AND SUSTAINABILITY Impact Statistics Indicate as applicable on which target group/s, vocational field/s, educational level/s and economic sector/s the project had impact: ▫Target groups of professionals - [table 8 – Target Groups] ▫Number of people directly addressed to date ▫Target groups of vocational trainees - [table 8 – Target Groups] ▫Number of people directly addressed to date ▫Vocational Field - [table 9 – Educational Fields] ▫Level of education - [table 10 – Educational Level] ▫Economic sector - [table 3 – Economic Sector (NACE)] 14
POTENTIAL SUSTAINABILITY Which institutions/organisations (other than partners) have expressed serious interest in using the results? How many people in which target group (see table 8 – Target Groups) will use /benefit from the project results in a year from now in each of the partner countries? Explain how you calculated/estimated these numbers. the project partnership and the activities and results that are planned to be maintained after the end of the EU funding and with which resources you intend to maintain them. Explain whether results will be exploited on a commercial basis or shared free of charge 15
Work Packages and Tasks 16
Work Packages and Tasks Project’s Management; Convergence Activity; Appropriation Activity; Incorporation Activity; Evaluation of the results and impacts; Dissemination of the products 17
WP0 - Project’s Management Initial Month: Final Month: Package leader:EPRALIMA Description of activities: 1.Creation of a “coordinating group” 2.Administrative and financial management of the project 3.Coordination of communication within the partnership 18 Human Resources 1 coordinator (for each partner); 1 administrator (promoter)
WP1 – Activity of Convergence Initial Month: Final Month: Package leader:ESTG, ACIAB Description of activities: 1.Immersion initiative to incorporators - Planning and organization of the initiative - Development of the activity - Evaluation of the activity 2. Project’s Implementation Plan - Initial Diagnosis of training needs of the sector - Definition of the participating geographical area of each partner - Creation of local partnerships (establishment of contacts/protocols with other organizations, including municipal organisms) 19 Human Resources 1 trainer (producers); 1 coordinator (incorporators) Human Resources 1 coordinator (for each partner); 1 expert technician; 1 administrator (incorporators)
WP2 – Appropriation Activity Initial Month: Final Month: Package leader:1.EPRALIMA, ESTG, PREVIFORM Description of activities: 1.Training for incorporators (partners and coordinators of the project) - Planning and organization of the initiative - Development of the activity - Evaluation of the activity 20 Human Resources 1 trainer (producers), 1 coach (producer), 1 trainer e 1 coach (incorporators), 1 administrator (for each partner)
WP3 – Incorporation Activity Initial Month: Final Month: Package leader:EPRALIMA, ESTG-IPVC Description of activities: 1.Selection of companies for the attribution of the “Safety Food Stamp” - Constitution of audit teams - Adaptation/contextualization of the product “Safety Food Stamp” - Inscription/companies’ proposals to obtain “Safety Food Stamp” - Selection of candidate companies (audits and documentation check-list) 2. Adaptation/contextualization of the “FHS – Pedagogical Kit” - Execution of a diagnosis of needs (HSW)/audits on selected companies - Adaptation of the Pedagogical Kit in the context of the companies gathered by the incorporators. 3. Implementation/experimentation of the “FHS – Pedagogical Kit” - Initial training in coaching - Technical training on SHW to leaders/entrepreneurs - Technical training on SHW to manipulators of food - Coaching/consultancy process 21 Human Resources 1 expert technician, external agents, coordinator (incorporator), coordinator (all the partnership) 1 expert technician (translation); 1 expert technician (SHW) (incorporators); 1 administrative 1 trainer HSA, 1 coach, 1 responsible for training/coordinato r (incorporator)
WP4 – Evaluation of the Results and Impacts Initial Month: Final Month: Package leader:EPRALIMA Description of activities: 1.attribution of “Safety Food Stamp” - Planning audits - Execution of audits on the companies candidates/selected - Evaluation of the result of the audits executed 2. Process monitoring - Evaluation of the dissemination strategy - Renegotiation of the dissemination plan 22 Human Resources 1 technical SHW, exterior agent (incorporators); coordinator (all partnerships) 1 evaluation technical expert, 1 coordinator (promoter)
WP5 – Dissemination of the Products Initial Month: Final Month: Package leader:ACIAB, PREVIFORM Description of activities: 1.Communication and disclosure of the project: - Planning and organization of communication activities and promotion of the project - Development of communication activities and promotion - Adaptation of an electronic platform - Increase the companies of the food sector which may possibly apply for these products - Ensure the durability/effectiveness of the communication plan 23 Human Resources 1 computer expert, 1 administrative, 1 coordinator (all partnership))
Quality of the Consortium The partnership has the following illustrated structure: 24 EPRALIMA ( Promoter ACIAB ESTG-IPVC Previform Youth Center Haskovo PROMAS TTZ OZ Pes ADEXA Final Beneficiaries (Agro-food company) Final Beneficiaries (Agro-food company) Final Beneficiaries (Agro-food company) Final Beneficiaries (Agro-food company) Final Beneficiaries (Agro-food company)
Expected results R1Adaptation of the “´FSH- Pedagogic-Kit” product Type of resultswork package Target group(s)/ potential beneficiaries Partners; Companies (Heads, workers) of the food sector; Training Institutions (trainers, tutors and trainees); Language of the productPortuguese, English, German, Spanish, Bulgarian, Slovakian Means that will be usedInternet, CD_ROM, Books Availability (when?) Number of copies foreseen if applicable 20 Copies (5 copies of each manual * 4 partners incorporators/disseminators) Educational methodology (if applicable) Classroom instruction On the job training Others 25
Adaptation to “Selo Alimento Seguro” product 26 R2Adaptation to “Food Safety Stamp” product Type of resultsRecognition tool Target group(s)/ potential beneficiaries Companies of the food sector Clients of companies of the food sector Language of the productPortuguese, English, German, Spanish, Bulgarian, Slovakian Means that will be usedStamp/poster Availability (when?) Number of copies foreseen if applicable The number of “stamps” will be dependent of the quantity of companies recruited by the partnership, and each partner should experiment the product at least at 2 companies, which means a total of 8 stamps (4 partners incorporators/disseminators*2 companies) Educational methodology (if applicable) - Others-
Adjustment to the electronic platform 27 R3Adjustment to the electronic platform Type of resultsDigital Platform of Information and Communication Target group(s)/ potential beneficiaries Partners; Companies (Heads, workers) of the food sector; Training Institutions (trainers, tutors e trainees); Experts on training and SHW; Community. Language of the productPortuguese, English, German, Spanish, Bulgarian, Slovakian Means that will be usedInternet Availability (when?) Number of copies foreseen if applicable - Didactical methodology (if applicable) - Others-
Thursday, July 23 th, 2010 – PROJECT MEETING 28
Analysis of the: Financial and administrative proceedings; Certification of expenses until the moment; Activities to date and activities for the next stage of the project; Analysis of the interim report; Necessity of Grant Agreement Amendment Request; Preparation of final project seminar. 29