Topics SCMOS scalable design rules. Reliability. Stick diagrams. 1
MOSIS SCMOS design rules Designed to scale across a wide range of technologies. Designed to support multiple vendors. Designed for educational use. Ergo, fairly conservative.
and design rules is the size of a minimum feature. Specifying particularizes the scalable rules. Parasitics are generally not specified in units
Wires metal 3 6 metal 2 3 metal 1 3 pdiff/ndiff 3 poly 2
Transistors 2 2 3 3 1 5
Vias Types of via: metal1/diff, metal1/poly, metal1/metal2. 4 4 1 2
Metal 3 via Type: metal3/metal2. Rules: cut: 3 x 3 overlap by metal2: 1 minimum spacing: 3 minimum spacing to via1: 2
Tub tie 4 1
Spacings Diffusion/diffusion: 3 Poly/poly: 2 Poly/diffusion: 1 Via/via: 2 Metal1/metal1: 3 Metal2/metal2: 4 Metal3/metal3: 4
Overglass Cut in passivation layer. Minimum bonding pad: 100 m. Pad overlap of glass opening: 6 Minimum pad spacing to unrelated metal2/3: 30 Minimum pad spacing to unrelated metal1, poly, active: 15
Scmos VARIATIONS SCMOS SCMOS submicron SCMOS deep Poly space 2 3 Active extension beyond poly 4 Contact space Via width Metal 1 space Metal 2 space
Lithography for nanometer processes Interference causes drawn features to be distorted during lithography. Optical proximity correction pre-distorts masks so they create the proper features during lithography.
3-D integration 3-D technology stacks multiple levels of transistors and interconnect. Through-silicon-via (TSV) with die stacking uses special via to connect between separately fabricated chips. Multilayer buried structures build several layers of devices on a substrate.
Reliability Failures happen early, late in chip’s life. Infant mortality is caused by marginal components. Late failures are caused by wear-out (metal migration, thermal, etc.).
Mean-time-to-failure MTF for metal wires = time required for 50% of wires to fail. Depends on current density: proportional to j-n e Q/kT j is current density n is constant between 1 and 3 Q is diffusion activation energy Can determine lifetime from MTTF.
Traditional sources of unreliability Diffusions and junctions: crystal defects, impurity precipitation, mask misalignment, surface contamination. Oxides: Mobile ions, pinholes, interface states, hot carriers, time-dependent dielectric breakdown. Metalization: scratches/voids, mechanical damage, non-ohmic contacts, step coverage.
TDDB Time-dependent dielectric breakdown: gate voltages cause stress in gate oxides. More common as oxides become thinner. TDDB failure rate: MTTF = A 10 bE eEs/kt
Hot carriers Hot carrier has enough energy to jump from silicon to oxide. Accumulated hot carriers create a space charge that affects threshold voltage.
NTBI Negative bias temperature instability is particular to pMOS devices. Threshold voltage, transconductance change due to stresses. Can be reversed by applying a reverse bias to the transistor.
Electromigration and stress migration Degenerative failure for wires. Grains in metal have defects at grain surface that cause electromigration. Stress migration caused by mechanical stress. Can occur even with zero current.
Soft errors Caused by alpha particles. Packages contain small amounts of uranium and thorium, which generate error-inducing radiation.
PVT Borkar et al.: variations in process, supply voltage, temperature are key design challenges in nanometer technology.
PVT challenges Process variations: channel length and threshold significantly in nanometer technologies. Supply voltage: non-ideal wires introduce variations in supply across chip. Temperature: higher chip operating temperatures degrade both transistors and interconnect.
On-chip temperature sensors Temperature sensors are used to shut off part or all of the chip to stop thermal runaway. Use a pn junction from a parasitic bipolar transistor. Can also use MOS transistor.
Stick diagrams A stick diagram is a cartoon of a layout. Does show all components/vias (except possibly tub ties), relative placement. Does not show exact placement, transistor sizes, wire lengths, wire widths, tub boundaries.
Stick layers metal 3 metal 2 metal 1 poly ndiff pdiff
Dynamic latch stick diagram VDD in out VSS phi phi’
Sticks design of multiplexer Start with NAND gate:
NAND sticks VDD a out b VSS
One-bit mux sticks VDD N1 (NAND) N1 (NAND) N1 (NAND) VSS ai bi a a a out out out select’ select b b b VSS
3-bit mux sticks m2(one-bit-mux) m2(one-bit-mux) m2(one-bit-mux) select’ select m2(one-bit-mux) select’ select VDD ai a2 oi o2 bi VSS b2 m2(one-bit-mux) select’ select VDD a1 ai oi o1 b1 bi VSS m2(one-bit-mux) select’ select VDD a0 ai oi o0 b0 bi VSS
Layout design and analysis tools Layout editors are interactive tools. Design rule checkers are generally batch---identify DRC errors on the layout. Circuit extractors extract the netlist from the layout. Connectivity verification systems (CVS) compare extracted and original netlists.
Automatic layout Cell generators (macrocell generators) create optimized layouts for ALUs, etc. Standard cell/sea-of-gates layout creates layout from predesigned cells + custom routing. Sea-of-gates allows routing over the cell.
Standard cell layout routing area routing area routing area