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Presentation transcript:


2 Communities Directorate Organisational Structure Norma Barry Wendy Williams PS David Ward Urban Regeneration John Lenaghan Peter JonesA.N OtherTrevor Samuel Liz Lockwood Social Inclusion policy /CRSI Policy Board on Social Inclusion Annual Report Lynne Schofield Communities First People in Communities Sustainable Communities Voluntary Sector Policy Voluntary Sector Scheme Voluntary Sector Partnership Council Substance Misuse Policy Youth Justice Domestic Violence Implementation of substance misuse strategies/ Training, advice and support

3 Communities Directorate Setting the Scene:- Setting the Scene:- — The Assembly's Vision for Wales — The Challenges — The Impact of Poverty l Communities First - The Vision l Communities First - Aims and Objectives l Communities First - Actions to Date l The Way Forward

4 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY FOR WALES VISION AND LEADERSHIP n United, confident and creative n Prosperous, well educated, skilled healthy, environmentally and culturally rich. environmentally and culturally rich. n Active in its local communities where the voice of local people is heard. of local people is heard.

5 NATIOANL ASSEMBLY FOR WALES VISION AND LEADERSHIP [CONT.] n Fair - A place where everyone is valued and given opportunity to play a full part. given opportunity to play a full part. n A place which values its children and where young people want to live, work and enjoy a young people want to live, work and enjoy a high quality life. high quality life. n A safe place free from crime and the fear of crime. crime.


7 COMMUNITY REGENERATION AND SOCIAL INCLUSION The Challenges: n High rate of children living in poverty n Low levels of educational achievement n Poor quality Housing n Low life expectancy n Low rates of pay n High rate of households with nobody in employment n High proportion on income benefits n High mortality rates

8 Effects of Poverty in Communities n Poor health n Crime and disorder n Substance misuse n Youth disaffection n Multiple disadvantages COMMUNITY REGENERATION AND SOCIAL INCLUSION

9 Impact of Poverty in Communities n Low self esteem n Powerlessness n Apathy and hopelessness n Stigmatism n Marginalisation

10 COMMUNITIES FIRST The Vision n Devolved power n Active communities n Active citizens n Regenerated local economies n Social inclusion n Sustained change

11 Aims to: 1. Capitalise on good practice and extend this wherever it is possible. 2. Involve the communities in securing tangible improvements and in developing and implementing agreed local delivery plans. 3. Include everyone of all ages within the community in the process. COMMUNITIES FIRST

12 Aims to ( Cont.): 4. Deliver outcomes which lead to sustainability in particular jobs, skills, physical improvements, health and environment, arts, recreation and crime free areas. 5. Secure a healthy and pleasant environment. 6. Create sustainable and lasting solutions. 7. Represent a long term commitment on resources. COMMUNITIES FIRST

13 COMMUNITIES FIRST Core Objectives n To join up government programmes n To join up local delivery agencies n To develop strategic and operational partnerships n To engage and empower communities n To create sustainable community involvement n To eradicate poverty and social exclusion

14 COMMUNITIES FIRST ACTIONS TO DATE Index of multiple deprivation Index of multiple deprivation n PIC and Sustainable Communities n Widespread consultation n Reviewed Best Practice n Allocated funding n Established networks n Identified Communities n Invited Applications for Funding n Prepared Draft Guidance

15 COMMUNITIES FIRST n Issue guidance in September n Invite Plans n Fund Preparatory Work n Support the Process THE WAY FORWARD

16 COMMUNITIES FIRST n Preparatory Activities n Capacity Development Plans n Community Action Plans n Implementation of Projects n Monitoring and Evaluation n Review The Process