Encouraging Youth Entrepreneurship in Northern Ireland The Austrian Educational System Duration of compulsory education: 9 years (age of 6 to 15)
Encouraging Youth Entrepreneurship in Northern Ireland Structure of the education system in Austria Primary education (6 – 10 years) (Volksschule, Sonderschule) Secondary education: Lower secondary schools : - secondary modern school (Hauptschule) - grammar school (allgemein bildende höhere Schule)
Encouraging Youth Entrepreneurship in Northern Ireland Structure of the education system in Austria Upper secondary education 14 – 18 vocational college (Fachschule) With matriculation exam: 14 – 18 grammar school (allg. bildende höhere Schule)
Encouraging Youth Entrepreneurship in Northern Ireland Structure of the education system in Austria With matriculation exam and occupational qualification: 14 – 19 vocational secondary schools : -Higher level secondary technical and vocational college(HTBL) -Business college(HAK) -Training college for non-teaching supervisory staff (BAKIP)
Encouraging Youth Entrepreneurship in Northern Ireland Structure of the education system in Austria Tertiary educatioon Universities (Bachelor, Master, Diplom- Ingenieur) Fachhochschulen Academies (e.g. Teacher Training Colleges)