Overview of New Interface and Features D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
D2L Version 10 Interface Streamlined Navigation Consistent Layout Follows Accessibility Best Practices Reduces Clutter Modern Appearance D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
D2L Version 10 Features Version 10 offers a number of new features Features and options will be based on the permission settings at each school for each role D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Navigation Changes—the Minibar New: minibar fixed at top of all screens Efficient navigation to: 1. My Home 2. My Courses 3. and Pager 4. Discussion Notifications 5. Profile Account Settings (Preferences) Notifications Settings Logout D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Minibar Components D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role 1.My Home button 2.Course Selector (can “pin” items to top) 3. Tool & Pager Alerts (no more beeping—just red dot) 4.Notifications (students—News, Dropbox, Quiz, Grades) 5.Chatter Alerts (Discussion notifications for user subscriptions) 6.Personal Menu (Profile, Notifications settings, Account Settings [My Preferences] and Logout
Minibar Advantages Can get back to Course Home page from anywhere in D2L (Select a Course menu) Can “pin” most frequently accessed courses to the top of the My Courses menu list Can logout from anywhere (Personal Menu) D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Menus on Standard Navbars Menu list for related tools Simplifies layout and reduces clutter Can offer consistence layout across all MnSCU schools Better user experience D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Layout of Pages in 960 pixels Most pages will be centered in a 960 pixel wide area This new design allows for easy navigation on a variety of screen sizes and devices Some tools/screens will override the 960-pixel area, such as: Enter Grades View Content (Use Settings, Content Viewer to select desired Layout view) D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
960-Pixel Page Layout D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Individual School Branding 960 pixel layout for screen opens up left and right side panels for school branding with colors and/or images Navbar and homepage centered in 960 pixel width area D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Tool Navigation Streamlined, Consistent, Intuitive Follows Accessibility Best Practices Context-sensitive drop-down menus 1.Items from left side of panel are now at the top of the tool 2.Context sensitive drop-down menus D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Consistent Position of Save/Cancel D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Course Administration Tools Layout D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Alternate Layout D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Enhancements Requested by MnSCU All new in Version 10: Discussion—Option to require students to post before they can read other students’ posts Sent Mail folder in D2L tracks sent messages Gradebook—one click to associated dropbox or quiz submission Rubrics—can export/import SCORM results sent to gradebook Menu groups on Navbars Gradebook—exports to Excel (CSV still available) Notifications—expanded to more items for students (Grades, Quizzes) Pager—ability to delete individual messages D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Discussions Must Post First setting D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Sent Mail folder tracks mail D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Gradebook – quick access to dropbox submission D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Grades – Export to Excel D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Pager – Easy Access to Messages D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Pager – can delete messages D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Notifications Options Expanded D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Other general enhancements Dropbox—can save drafts of feedback and then release feedback to all students after all assignments have been evaluated and scored Calendar - interface enhancements Seating Chart - more flexibility Competencies - more flexible structure across multiple courses D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Dropbox - Can Save Draft of Feedback and Publish Later D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Publish Selected Dropbox Feedback Later This feature allows the instructor to compose and save feedback, but release it to students at a later time, after all assignments have been evaluated. D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Training Train the Trainer WebEx sessions in November and December for CSAs and CTs Recordings and PPTs will be shared with all MnSCU schools D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Retired Tools User Home Pages feature will be retired with version 10 Campus Site Administrators can assist individuals with preserving the existing personal home pages if desired Journal tool will be retired (had very little usage) Articles tool will be retired (had very little usage) D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Version 10 to D2L Production Scheduled for Friday, December 28, 2012 – Saturday, December 29, 2012 Expected 24-hour downtime (possibly longer to allow time for testing and configuration) Downtime will start during the day since it is between semesters Details will be communicated in November 2012 D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Questions? Contact your local D2L Campus Site Administrator (CSA) or local D2L Campus Trainer (CT) if you have any questions It is recommended that faculty do some testing in the D2L QA (Quality Assurance) environment Local Campus Site Administrator can provide information about accessing QA Report any version 10 issues via the regular ticket system at or to your local CSA who will in turn report to the System Site Administratorshttp://d2l.custhelp.com D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role
Version 10 Take Advantage Take advantage of the streamlined interface and feature enhancements in version 10 Join the D2L Community if you are not already a member The Community offers peer interaction, tips, tricks and documentation D2L Version 10 Overview for Teacher Role