By: Yale Walden, John Roos, and Scott Wexler
Creates waste such as tree trimmings Unprocessed biomass cannot be cost efficient if transported more than miles Impacts air quality greatly Emits the highest level of gases
Methane can be captured from landfills and reduces air pollution Can be made locally with minimal cost It is renewable
Organic materials are gathered and put into a truck to a plant The organic materials are then burned The heat is used to boil water and the steam turns turbines and generators which powers the plant
It is a wood barrel that you keep outside of your home When it rains, it fills up with water You can use this water for a garden or washing the car instead of using a hose and be conservative
A toilet that uses less water when you urinate If you go to the bathroom for waste, it puts more water into the bowl This cuts down on wasted water, because you do not need a lot of water for flushing liquid waste
They use more energy than normal light bulbs They reduce the electric bill They help the environment by having to replace them less frequently due to the longevity of them
Plants grown on a roof Collects water when it rains This decreases runoff Less bioaccumulation because there is not as much water going downhill
Panels put on top of a house that collect the sun’s energy Energy that can be kept stored Can either heat the house or give electricity to the house