Definition Components Advantages Limitations Contents Introduction Introduction Inserting a Table Inserting a Table Drawing a Table Drawing a Table Table Style Table Style Formatting Table Style Formatting Table Style Working with Rows & Columns Working with Rows & Columns Additional Table Formatting Additional Table Formatting
Introduction Powerpoint is a powerful tool to communicate information to someone or to a group of people. The information can be communicated in various ways such as pictures, lists or paragraphs of text. Another way is to use Tables. To organize its information, a table is made of columns and rows. This also means that these would be the first two pieces of information you must provide to initiate a table. The columns are the vertical arrangements while the rows are the horizontal records.
Inserting a Table Steps are : Select the slide in which table is to be added. On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click Table. Do one of the following: ◦ Move the pointer to select the number of rows and columns and then click. ◦ Click Insert Table, and then enter a number in the Number of columns and Number of rows lists.
Inserting Contd.. To add text to the table cells, click a cell, and then enter text. After entering text, click outside the table.
Drawing a Table Steps are : Select the slide in which a table is to be added. On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click Table, and then click Draw Table. The pointer changes to a pencil. To define the outer table boundaries, drag diagonally to the desired size.
Drawing Contd.. To create the column and row boundaries, under Table Tools, on the Design tab, in the Draw Borders group, click Draw Table, and then using the pencil, draw the column and row boundaries inside the table, but not on the table borders. When you finish drawing the table, press ESC.
Table Style A table style (or Quick Style) is a combination of different formatting options, including color combinations that are derived from the theme colors of the presentation. Thumbnails of table styles appear in the Quick Styles gallery in the Table Styles group. When pointer is placed over a Quick Style thumbnail, effect of thumbnail can be seen over the table.
Formatting Table Style Apply a Table style : Select the table. Under Table Tools, on the Design tab, in the Table Styles group, click the desired table style. To see more table styles, click the More button. Move the cursor over table style to see live preview of style on the slide. Finally click on desired style.
Formatting Contd.. To remove a table style, under Table Tools, on the Design tab, in the Table Styles group, click the More button, and then click Clear Table.
Formatting Contd.. Change Table Shading : Select the table. Select rows & columns to be modified. Select Design Tab. Click Shading command in Table Styles Group. Move the cursor over a color portion to see live preview of color on the slide. Click a desired color.
Formatting Contd.. Apply a Border : Select the table. Select the Design tab. Select the rows or columns to be modified. Click the Borders command in the Table Styles group. Select a borders option from the menu.
Working with Rows & Columns Insert a Row : Select the table. Select the Layout tab. Place the insertion point in a row adjacent to where the new row is to be appeared. Click the Insert Below or Insert Above command.
Rows & Columns Contd.. Delete a Row : Select the table. Select the Layout tab. Place the insertion point in the row to be deleted. Click the Delete command. Select Delete Row from the menu.
Rows & Columns Contd.. Insert a Column : Select the table. Select the Layout tab. Place the insertion point in a column adjacent to the location where new column to be appeared. Click the Insert Right or Insert Left command.
Rows & Columns Contd.. Delete a Column : Select the table. Select the Layout tab. Place the insertion point in the column to be deleted. Click the Delete command. Select Delete Column from the menu.
Additional Table Formatting Change Cell Size : Select the table. Select the Layout tab. Place the insertion point in the row or column you want to modify. Locate the Cell Size group. Use the arrows on the Table Row Height and Table Column Height fields to change the cell size.
Table Formatting Contd.. Changing Text Alignment : Select the table. Select the Layout tab. Select the cells you want to modify. Click an alignment command to change the text alignment in the table.
Table Formatting Contd.. The alignment commands are: Align Text Left: Aligns text to the left of the cell Center: Aligns text horizontally in the center of the cell Align Text Right: Aligns text to the right of the cell Align Top: Aligns text to the top of the cell Center Vertically: Vertically centers text in the cell Align Bottom: Aligns text to the bottom of the cell
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