Sundara Ram Matta Feb 02 nd, Sundara Ram Matta Feb 02 nd,
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS !!! Homework #1 is due by 2/6/2015 (this Friday). Homework #2 has been posted and due by 2/13/2015. Start working on MyITLab: Lesson B, due by 2/9/2015. All the MyITLab/ HW’s are due by 11:59 pm on the due date specified. Record your attendance after 09:25 am (Section 3)/ 10:25 am (Section 5). 2
OPEN LAB 219 Armstrong Hall Monday 03:30 pm to 09:30 pm Tue/ Wed/ Thu: 03:30 pm to 05:30 pm Fri: 10:00 am to 06:00 pm G06 Lyon Tower (ERC – Towers) Wed: 07:30 pm to 09:30 pm Open Lab online chat Sun/ Tue/ Thu: 06:30 pm to 09:30 pm 3
GRADEBOOK Under the course tools, you will find the option to view your grades. The points or the grades do not appear instantaneously. After the submission deadline, it will take time to process the MyITLab questions.. 4
TILL NOW… Cell, Cell addresses and Cell References Formulas/ Function (start with = sign) Workbook/ Formatting/ Print Options/ Importing Data Basic Math and Statistical functions Date and time functions Logical functions (IF) 5
BASIC MATH AND STAT FUNCTIONS SUM - Total amount spent on dining out AVERAGE - Average amount spent on iTunes to downloading music MIN - Lowest time to run a mile this week MAX - Highest electric bill in a year COUNT - # of people attend an event MEDIAN - Same as average
COUNT FUNCTION Identify the Total Number with COUNT. We have three variations: – COUNT – excludes blank and N/A cells – COUNTBLANK – counts blank cells – COUNTA – excludes only blank cells.
DATE FUNCTIONS Today Now Date Day Edate Eomonth Month Year
LOGICAL FUNCTIONS Is value A equal to value B (A=B) Is A greater than B (A>B) Is A less than B (A<B) Is A greater than or equal to B (A>=B) Is A less than or equal to B (A<=B) Is A not equal to B (A<>B) These are called Logical or Boolean operators because there can only be two possible answers in any given case - TRUE or FALSE.
LOGICAL ‘IF’ FUNCTIONS Most common logical function is the IF function. The function returns one value when a condition is met (TRUE) or returns another value when condition is not met (FALSE). =IF(Logical_Test, Value 1, Value 2)
The RANK function returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers. Return value is a number that indicates rank. = RANK (number, range, [order]) – number - The number to rank. – Range – Group of cells that contains the numbers to rank against. – Order - [optional] Whether to rank in ascending or descending order. RANK FUNCTION
The Excel PMT (payment) Function is a really simple to use but highly useful Financial Function used to calculate the repayment amount on a loan. Suppose you purchased a car and the details – Total Cost: 30,000 $ – Initial Down payment: 4,000 $ – Rate of Interest (Annual): 6% – No: of years: 5 FINANCIAL FUNCTIONS - THE PMT
Need to know how much I need to pay per month…? =PMT (rate, nper, pv, [fv]. [type]) – Rate (Annual): 6 % and No: of years: 5 – But the rate and nper is per month in the syntax So Rate = 6% divided by 12 = 0.5% per month No: of years (in months) = 5 x 12 = 60 months. FINANCIAL FUNCTIONS - THE PMT
VLOOKUP function and wrap up the functions. Basics of Charts. NEXT CLASS