The Business
French camping website Earning revenue from: Campsite Listings Adsense or others Affiliates Display Advertising Product Sales
Campsite Listings Think of variations Gold Pictures Videos Plan of site Silver Extras Bronze (Free) Basic listing Definitely a database item
Adsense or “personalised” ads Advertisements are related to page context. Paid per click Keyword vitally important Others use cookies embedded by sites already visited to reinforce advertising to the visitor Can be switched off Database to feed content includes keywords in text and keywords into metatags
Affiliates Paid on visitor purchasing from affiliate. Types: Independent Affiliate manages business interface with publisher Agency Agency manages business interface with publisher Database holds ad data and you control on which pages to display. You are controlling the contextual advertising from the database
Display Advertising Banner Ads Paid by number of page impressions Need independent proof Again database used in similar way to affiliate programme
Product Sales Advertise own product contextually Set up shopping system Database tracks pages and displays ads
General Points To display adverts it will become necessary to: Display contextual adverts Randomly display this set over same page and similar pages
For Assignment Introduce the Advertising Plan in the Business Proposition Section Put details in an Appendix
Marketing Large chunk of cash can come from campsite listings 10,000+ in France alone Editorial Schedule Advertise to owners a schedule of articles Sell space on the back of this SEO What are you going to suggest This section should not be too long