Posters By: Grant Needham
Law Abiding Citizen The purpose of this movie is market law abiding citizen. The marketing strategies in this poster include using good contrast such as gray and red backgrounds. It looks like a good movie from the poster. I think that he or she had to watch the movie to tell how to make this poster. Just the colors show a lot in the poster.
Slednecks The purpose of this poster is to get people to go to this free snowmobile show. The marketing strategies include cool pictures of snowmobiles and dirt bikes. They also used black and red to get the readers attention. I think that the artist had to figure out how to make this eye catching by action sports fans, which he or she did a great job of.
Forrest Gump The Purpose of this poster is to reach out to movie lovers. The marketing strategies are really simple in this poster. I think that it kind of tells a story by just him sitting there on a bench. The artist had a relatively easy time because it is really simple. The whit background says a lot about the movie.
Jason Aldean The purpose of this poster is to get people to go to Centennial Hall to watch Jason Aldean. The marketing is simple. This poster would appeal to Jason Aldean fans. The artist just put a picture of Jason Aldean. If a star is known nation wide, sometimes all you need to do is put their picture.
Happy Gilmore The purpose of this Poster is to get out to golf fans to watch or purchase this movie. They would market this to golfers, or the sports fans in general. The artist did a good job. They made it appeal to sports fans, and they also put a good actor’s name right at the very top.