Estates and Operations
From Manatees to Smileys – How energy visualisation can work for you
Estates and Operations 1.DUALL 2.GREENVIEW 3.SMARTSPACES 4.NUS Student Switch-Off & SAVES
The invisibility of energy
1) 2) 3)
Estates and Operations
Key challenges 1)Creative visualisations 2)Meaningful data
creative visualisation Healthy buildings = happy animals
Quantifying Energy Performance A building is happy when consumption is in the green zone A building is neutral when consumption is in the yellow zone A building is sad when consumption is in the red zone Consumption (and normality) is dependent on ‘time of week’ Most weeks are similar but all weeks are different It is possible to create a normal weekly profile
Saving Energy in Europe’s Public Buildings Using ICT 01/2012 – 12/ pilot cities in 8 countries – 26 partners – United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Serbia
Interactive interface
Simplified performance indicator
Comparable across buildings
Live, half-hourly feedback
Student switch off - energy display to date Estates and Operations
Challenges with current data Time between students performing an action and their awareness of the impact Time for energy manager to compile data and SSO team to analyse it Estates and Operations Next Steps University of Bristol SGF project – linking in with success from University of British Columbia EU-funded project (SAVES)
University of Bristol & British Columbia Estates and Operations
EU-funded ‘saves’ project Estates and Operations 4 new countries running their own version of Student Switch Off 7 UK Unis (Bath, Cranfield, DMU, Northampton, QMUL, UWE and Worcester) Online dashboard allowing competition between halls across Universities and potentially twinning of halls First pan-European student energy-saving competition
Estates and Operations Lesson learnt... Engaging users (findings from DUALL): Difficult to engage already busy staff Even harder to get on-line engagement Evaluation: Attributing behaviour change to such an intervention like Greenview is problematic (nb. picking up small changes, & issue of occupancy for example) Without senior commitment and sincere staff engagement and collaboration mere information provision in the form of dashboards is impotent. Creative, but not too creative! Users still found numerical and easily understood representations of energy useful – especially in a Technology/Engineering building Users wanted guidance for users to help them behave differently with regard to energy use (need for information provision). People want to compete!
Discussion 1.Do you have a dashboard, or are you currently looking into it? 2.Discuss your own experiences of engaging staff and students with energy dashboards? 3.What do you think are (or what have you found to be) the main barriers to behaviour change around energy saving behaviours? 4.In short – do you think they work, and do they have a future? Estates and Operations
Aha moment Simple behaviour changes can save up to 20% of a building’s energy consumption. This is worth doing! Need to be part of a wider behaviour change programme They are not a ‘magic bullet’ but... A vital ‘tool’ in the energy saving tool box!
Estates and Operations Further Reading