DCE3004 FIRST DAY OF CLASS Dr. Zoharah Omar
INTRODUCTION Lecturer: Dr. Zoharah Omar HP:
ABOUT THE COURSE DCE3004 KAEDAH PENYELIDIKAN CREDIT HOURS: 3 (2+1) Course outline (Rujuk dalam Folder Modul)
qspCDMhda?dl=0 How the course will be organized Notes will be posted in (Please copy and paste at Internet Explorer, Chrome or Mozilla):
Course Assessment Individual Assignment Assignment 1a – 10% Assignment 1b – 10% Assignment 1c – 10% Group Assignment Kertas Cadangan Penyelidiakan – 15% Examination Mid-Term – 25% Final Examination – 30%
RESEARCH TOPIC/AREA Destructive leadership Abusive supervision Workplace Bullying Anxiety Work engagement Emotional exhaustion Turnover intention Organization climate Ethical leadership Anda boleh pilih pemboleh ubah yang lain selagi ia berkaitan dengan Buli di Tempat Kerja
Form your research team Three to Four members per team.
Is working in team good or bad? Studies on work team – better performance and productivity. If work teams result in higher productivity in the work force, then the same relationship should also hold in the educational process (Boughton, 2009). A well-designed team work can facilitate learning and enhance student understanding of unit-related knowledge (McInnis & Devlin, 2002 cited in Goold, Craig, & Coldwell, J. (2008). Generating deeper levels of understanding requires students to work collaboratively (Chang & Fisher, 2003 cited in Goold, Craig, & Coldwell, J. (2008). Reference Boughton, P.D. (2009), Student Attitudes Toward Working In Teams, (8.7.09) Goold, A., Craig, A. & Coldwell, J. (2008). The student experience of working in teams online. In Hello! Where are you in the landscape of educational technology? Proceedings ascilite Melbourne
Appoint a leader to help coordinate the team. Clearly understand the assignment and identify role & functions of each members. Time management. Set deadlines for any tasks/assignment given to members. Cooperation, understanding, respect for each other, allow some flexibility, willing to help each other = Cohesive team. Must have good collaboration = work is shared, listen to individual ideas/contribution, and team members feel comfortable with each other. Each members must be committed to the tasks assigned & must be willing to help each others. NO SOCIAL LOAFERS!! If you have serious problem, get help. See also : 10 Tips for Working in Student Teams by Hansen, R.S. tips.html What you need to make your research team effective?
Rep 1Rep 2 NAME: HP: NAME: HP: Appoint Class Representative