Reality Check What a new generation really thinks about Christianity … and why it matters Kevin Bowman, Dave Davis, PowerPoint download,
Get saved! Current perception – Christians are insincere & concerned only with converting others Goal perception – Christians cultivate relationships & environments where others can be deeply transformed by God Recapping last week – Always be closing; being genuine vs. selling – A look at some different forms of evangelism
Let’s talk about evangelism Although it can come in many forms, evangelism rooted in personal relationships has proven most effective We must be aware of evangelistic “collateral damage” (mass marketing) Even though the Good News is so good, it doesn’t give us license to offend while sharing – “Do everything in love” (1 Corinthians 16:14) When it comes to accepting Christ, feelings often trump logic
Are you someone?
The odds As we develop genuine relationships, understanding the statistics around our “window of opportunity” are important – For every 100 people who’ve not accepted Christ by age 18, only 6 have done so as an adult Think about what this statistic means – Adults are unlikely to switch faiths; we need to understand & respect that (Luke 8:5-15; parable of the sower) – We must prioritize our children's foundational education – We must support our teenagers as their often tenuous faith develops and firms Take heart; the odds are in our favor
Spectrum of faith When salvation is our goal, we risk encouraging a shallow faith that often doesn’t “stick” Discipleship, through genuine lasting relationships, can grow a superficial faith into one with depth Salvation should be the beginning of a life-long transformation
Transformation Transformation is not just a cognitive decision to follow Christ; it’s striving to be more like Christ An inward focus on personal transformation will change the way we engage in relationships – Thinking: How we think about life, relationships, crises, people, etc. Romans 12:2 – Loving: The way we perceive & love people, including outsiders. John 13:35 – Listening: Being a better listener, to others & to God. Mark 4:24 These outward signs of true transformation will change the way we’re perceived
Get saved! – call to action Goal perception: Christians cultivate relationships & environments where others can be deeply transformed by God 1.Relationships vs. salesmanship – Romans 12:10 2.Thoughtful evangelism – Mark 12:31 3.Disciple for transformative, lasting faith – Matthew 28:18-20
Anti-homosexual Current perception – Christians show contempt for gays & lesbians Goal perception – Christians show compassion & love to all people, regardless of their lifestyle year olds Unfavorable ImageOutsidersChurchgoers Anti-homosexual91%80%
Always greater
Anti-homosexual: a foreword This is a tough topic; we will balance conversation & teaching – there will be opportunity to talk We will create & maintain a safe environment Our goal is to understand & alter the perception; not to re-interpret God’s word We know it’s personal: most people’s lives in this room have been impact by homosexuality
Sharing – Our connections
Next week Continue anti-homosexual Feedback & resources – Kevin Bowman, – Dave Davis, – PowerPoint download,