Baptism is God’s … Gift to you! Jesus tells us to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the ______, son, and ____ ____.” (Matt 28:19) Your baptism means you belong to Father, _____, and ___ ___.”
Baptism is God’s Promise to you. Peter said to the crowd, “Repent and be baptized for the FORGIVENESS OF SINS, and …. You shall receive the gift of the HOLY ____ (Acts 2:37-38). And there are more benefits:
BAPTISM BENEFITS (1) Mark 16:16 says, “he who believes and is baptized shall be ______.” Do you believe? Are you baptized? Therefore, what are you?
BAPTISM BENEFITS (2) Paul was told, “rise and be baptized and wash away your _____, calling on the name of the Lord.” Acts 22:16 Because you are baptized, your sins have been ________
BAPTISM BENEFITS (3) Paul writes, “It is through faith that all of you are God’s children through faith in Christ. You were baptized into union with Christ, like putting on clothes” Galatians 3:26-27 GN paraphrased. Because of faith and baptism, you know you are in union with _____.
LUTHER SUMS UP: That it is God’s Word with the water, along with faith in God’s promises, that make it into a baptism, a source of grace. (Luther catechism Baptism III)
BAPTISM BENEFITS (4) Paul writes, “God saved us through the Holy _____ who gives us the washing that brings new birth and new life.” Titus 2:5 Your “old life” is from your parents. They gave you special qualities, like the color of your eyes and the length of your life. BUT …
YOUR NEW LIFE … Is from God! He gives you special qualities, qualities that are like Jesus. For example, your NEW LIFE finds it natural to love and forgive. You also get a new life-span. After you die, you will still be with God for how long?
New and Old In this life you have both an old life and a new life. Each time you catch yourself sinning, you have caught your old life in action, so you then combat your old life by confessing your sin and asking forgiveness.
A constant fight Our life is constantly fighting the old and putting on the new: Paul writes: “Put off your old self … which is corrupt through evil desires … and put on the new self, created in the likeness of God. (from Ephesians 4:22-24) Remembering baptism helps us do this:
BAPTISM BENEFITS (5) Paul writes, “you who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death … so you must consider yourselves DEAD TO SIN…” (Romans 6:3 and 11) Here’s the meaning: Because you are baptized, you are united with Christ. His death counts for you.
USING THE BENEFIT When your old life tries to influence you, you “regard” it as dead --- you say, “hey, you’re supposed to be dead. Stop bugging me.” In this way, remembering your baptism is a tool to help you with life today.
THE OTHER HALF Your baptism did not only unite you with Christ’s death, but also with His resurrection. “”We were buried with Christ through baptism into death, in order that just as Christ we raised from the dead, … we too may life a new life.” Romans 6:4)
LUTHER SUMS UP Remembering baptism means that every day you “drown” your old self (he calls it Old Adam), by repenting of your sin, so the new self can take control (Luther Cathechism, Baptism IV). In fact, you may do this many times throughout the day.
CLOSING PRAYER God, Thank you that you came to me and made me into your child. Today again, I remember my baptism by rejecting the old self and asking you to build up the new self you have given me.
CLOSING PRAYER Dear God, Thank you for the many promises you have given me. I rest my life into your hands.